all rental companies used that garage just outside ZTL

來源: 2024-05-08 10:47:40 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

It is very easy to approach from the South of Florence.  You will completely avoid ZTL once you study well the map.   I do not know about from the North.

我們在羅馬港口 pick up our Budget rental,然後在佛羅倫薩歸還。我們在托斯卡納度過了 7 天,其中在錫耶納北部邊緣 Four Points hotel 停留了 5 天,作為遊覽周邊地區的基地。這個位置非常好,因為當您出去遊覽托斯卡納時,您完全可以避開錫耶納內的交通擁堵, plus avoiding ZTL.  Four Points is a modern hotel under Marriott banner.  Excellent breakfast for every guest when we stayed in Spring of 2023.  Drawback is there is no restaurant around except a pizza joint albeit a very good pizza joint.

要遊覽錫耶納和幾個山城,您可以將車停在城鎮山腳下,那裏通常有大型公共停車場。 然後,坐纜車上城鎮所在的山頂。 奧維耶多和錫耶納都是這樣運作的。阿西西 has a 5 levels garage set inside the hill.  After you park, you take a long funicular to the hill top.