
來源: 2024-04-26 21:43:41 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

《第一修正案》專家們表示,具有審查 TikTok 用戶的最終效果的法案可能會被法院否決。

The experts of First Amendment said that the bill with final effects of investigating TikTok users might be vetoed.

“長期以來,最高法院的先例保護了美國人根據《第一修正案》獲取國外信息、思想和媒體的權利,”哥倫比亞大學奈特(Knight)第一修正案研究所政策主任Nadine Farid Johnson說。“通過禁止 TikTok,該法案將侵犯這項權利。”

“For a long term, the precedents of Supreme Court have protected the right of Americans to obtain foreign information,thoughts and media,” said Nadine Farid Johnson,the director of First Amendment Knight Institute of Columbia University, “Via banning TikTok,the bill is going violate the right.”