APAD: The Bravest, The Strongest, The Happiest

來源: 2024-04-23 06:36:15 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

The first to apologize is the bravest.
The first to forgive is the strongest.
The first to forget is the happiest.

- Origin: Unknown

* It takes a good person to apologise and it takes a better person to accept it.
* Ultimately, apologizing, forgiving, and forgetting can help us cultivate stronger, healthier relationships with others and promote greater well-being in our own lives.
* This is a powerful quote that reminds us of the importance of humility, forgiveness, and letting go of grudges. Being the first to apologize and forgive takes courage and strength, but it can also bring great happiness and peace of mind. Let's strive to practice these qualities in our personal and professional lives, and create a more positive and compassionate world
- Source: NotMine

Words above are all much better than what I can say, doesn't matter how long I stare at the laptop screen. But to make it up, I shot three pictures yesterday of the flowers in our front yard and let them represent these three great qualities:

1. Fawn Lily,  for those who can apologize
It is a native plant in the pacific northwest. The beautiful and graceful white (or yellow) flowers bloom here all April each year, but it's slow growing and can take as long as five years until the first bloom
More: https://realgardensgrownatives.com/?p=1033

2. Jake Frostfor those who can forgive
It Also called Siberian bugloss or False Forget-Me-Not, is native to Eastern Europe. I only planted two about 10 years ago, but since then they keep multiplying themselves, so I ended up having hundreds of them in the garden. Moved them around, gave some to neighbours, gave some to friends, and even had a garden sale of them last spring with a $90 profit. 鬼臉
More: https://hort.extension.wisc.edu/articles/brunnera-macrophylla-jack-frost/

3. Rodo/杜鵑for those who can forget
I don't think Rodo needs any introduction.  This one was from a local University plant sale ~8 years ago.  Although the buds look a bit pinky, the flowers will be purely white.

Note: I am the gardener of the house with a good helper for digging.  The digger likes the color blue and I like white, so are the most flowers in our front yard.