【波音滅口?已知信息和我的分析 (上)】Could it be a foul play involving Boeing

來源: 2024-03-21 19:27:45 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

波音雇凶滅口?已知信息和我的分析 (上)

A prominent whistleblower against Boeing, Mr. John Barnett, was found dead on 3/9 in his vehicle during a deposition procedure, which was part of his ongoing lawsuit against Boeing. The unexpected event raises questions about the circumstances surrounding his death. Could foul play involving Boeing be a possibility? I offer my analysis based on available facts so far, along with my understanding of the operations of public companies in this country.


1. 這兩天看了幾篇/幾段有關的文章和錄像,我對Barnett 先生深表敬意,願他安息。如果美國公司做事都像他那麽認真、較真,美國的在製造業上的競爭力會強很多。

2. 我跟波音沒有任何關係,也不擁有其股票。我對波音的態度是中性的,但希望它好。

3. 這是我個人的分析帖,不試圖與他人爭論或改變他人的觀點。

上周六3月9日,波音公司的著名“吹哨人” John Barnett發現槍傷死於自己的汽車裏,疑似自殺。在2017年退休前,他是波音位於南卡羅來納州的787 Dreamliner工廠的質量管控經理。

這次,Barnett是去Charleston出席一項持續數年的、他針對波音的訴訟的取證。在訴訟中,他指控波音公司在他對公司提出的質量和安全投訴後進行報複。(這是他和波音的老官司,開始於兩次波音737 Max 失事和最近艙門脫落以前。)


鑒於此,我把事情的時間線列出來,誰先誰後很重要 —


B、2017年,他根據“AIR21吹哨人保護計劃”( AIR21 Whistleblower Protection Program),向美國勞工部提出了對波音公司的投訴。FAA的這一計劃,保護舉報違反航空安全的員工免受飛機製造商報複。



E、2018年和2019年,兩架波音737 Max飛機墜毀。

F、2018 - 2021年,737 Max失事以後,Barnett多次接受媒體采訪,指出波音的安全隱患和為追求進度而cut corners等。從此John Barnett作為“吹哨人”被大眾所知。

G、2024年1月,一架737 Max在起飛後不久機身艙門脫落。


-- 周四3月7日,波音的律師對Barnett進行了取證。

-- 周五他與自己律師進行了詢問和交流。他“grew tired”,稍提前離開。

-- 計劃周六再進行最後一次取證。但當天早上他沒有出庭,也沒有接聽電話。他被發現死在酒店停車場自己的皮卡裏。

I、目前對於他死亡源自“自殺”的結論是初步的。警察局披露,除了槍以外,在副駕駛座位上還發現一個他的 note。警方未透露紙條的內容。案件還在進一步調查之中。


現在再來看看各方就Barnett先生去世的反應。為了保持原味,我直接引用英文原文。此外,我盡量從較知名的媒體如NPR,ABC, BBC等處摘錄信息,我認為這樣相對可靠 —

1. 波音公司:

“We are saddened by Mr. Barnett’s passing, and our thoughts are with his family and friends.” 

2. Charleston警察局書麵聲明:

“We understand the global attention this case has garnered, and it is our priority to ensure that the investigation is not influenced by speculation but is led by facts and evidence.”

3. 一位朋友:

A “close family friend” of Barnett, who gave her name only as Jennifer to ABC News claimed he had told her “if anything happens to me, it’s not suicide.”

4. Barnett的律師:

"We did not have any indication that he was under tremendous stress to the point where he would take his own life." 

“Mr. Barnett’s experience at Boeing had deeply affected him. It was really weighing on him, what was going on, and reliving all these things that had happened and the stress it had caused.”

5. 一位波音員工:

“It actually gives me a pit in my stomach because of what he’s been saying, and he’s dead now. Maybe he killed himself ,I don’t know what to believe.”

“A lot of people are skeptical, because he made some pretty powerful enemies.”

6. Barnett家屬的聲明:

"He was looking forward to having his day in court and hoped that it would force Boeing to change its culture."

"He was suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and anxiety attacks as a result of being subjected to the hostile work environment at Boeing, which we believe led to his death,"




