How to grow sage in China? (I)

來源: 2023-05-11 09:42:04 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

As the customs may bar a live plant from entering the country, I

would need to find it within. First, what’s the Chinese name for the

common sage?


Google translated sage as 鼠尾草. Baidu added 可做調料.  So far, so good.


Then Wikipedia showed the herb’s scientific name as Salvia officinalis.


Baidu 百科, however, said 鼠尾草’s latin name was Salvia japonica,

native to East and South Asia and looking quite different from the

common sage which came from the Mediterranean.


The Chinese Wikipedia, 基維百科, gave the correct latin name for 鼠尾草,

but that seemed it. No a single line was written in Chinese about the

herb and not a single link was provided. So besides its name and maybe

Scarborough Fair, the Chinese knew nothing about the plant?
