Little suggestion

來源: 2018-01-08 14:25:39 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

First about burn. If minor born such as 1st or second degree (1st degree painful redness, 2nd degree bilsters, 3rd degree scar) and small area 1-2% body surface area (wound are is calculated as 9% rule (head 9%, each arm 9%, each leg 18%, front torso 18% and back 18%, perineum 1%) you can treat at home. First cover the wound with ice or ice water for 30-60 minutes. It can reduce pain and inflammation. Then, apply tripple antibiotic cream 2 times per day. Ideally use silver antimicrobial wound gel. These can buy at local pharmacy. Small blisters will be gone spontaneously in 1 week. Big bliser can be drained using sterile technique or in your Primary care doctor's office. Large or 3rd degree burn or burn on face should treated by Doctor. 

Second, about acute illness. If not big trauma or something like stroke or heart attack you can see your PCP or go to urgent care. The cost will be much less than ED.

Third, about your bill. You can try to negotiate with the hospital either on your own or with your insurance. It is very likely you can get some discount. I had a co-worker few years ago. She did not buy insurance for her son. The boy was a teenage. Had acute gastroenteritis and dehydrated. He was seen by urgent care first. Due to persistent tachycardia after IV  hydration he was sent to a big medical center ED. stayed over night. The total bill (doctor fee, medication and ED room, etc) close to $22000. She was shocked and panic. We talked about it and thought what to do with the bill. She used all the means we could think to negotiate with the hospital.  It took over a month. Finally the hospital agreed to let her pay 10% ($2200) by monthly payment $20.