It is time to stop the ongoing trade war. Otherwise,

來源: 2018-07-14 04:46:01 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:
It is time to stop the ongoing trade war. Otherwise,               
it will become a hot war. Now, American consumers start feeling the consequence of such war, farmers notice harder to sell their products, although the Feds receives more revenue via tariffs. Ultimately, the people are paying for this.

On the other end, China exporters feel pressures as it become tougher to sell or export their goods, including big international corps like Apple producing goods in China. The Central government may lose receiving more dollars and has to reduce China Yuan release. Consequently, the China Yuan should becomes more valuable although the fact is opposite.

Interestingly, people in the exporting country are becoming richer given reducing export. In contrast, people in importing country are feeling short of resources as goods price goes up. What if the trading is completely stopped between such two nations?

A conclusion would be reached that trading should be fair and mutually benefit one another; the trading should have a fair standard, e.g., Gold, as a measure for trading price, rather than is based on a paper money.

Unfortunately, people including the main stream economists appear to ignore this basic thought, and continue conducting unfair trading.