圓明園究竟是誰燒的 轉載城頭的不想在前麵加個“真真實實”的貞節牌坊。。。

來源: 2018-03-28 15:50:03 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

英法聯軍軍官家書曝光 詳錄洗劫圓明園細節(組圖)

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“中國日報雙語新聞”微信公號3月28日消息,上述這段驚心動魄的文字節選於英國海軍上校哈利·劉易斯·埃文斯(Harry Lewis Evans)與家人的信件。




據《古董貿易公報》(Antiques Trade Gazette)報道,這件中國稀有青銅器,圓明園被掠奪的文物之一,“虎鎣”將於4月11日在英國肯特拍賣,消息一出便吸引了眾多關注。



英國海軍上校哈利·劉易斯·埃文斯(Harry Lewis Evans)

與往常不同的是,此次事件中,“虎鎣”的前任擁有者——英國海軍上校哈利·劉易斯·埃文斯(Harry Lewis Evans)與家人的信件也同時被發現。這些信件明確記錄了他跟隨軍隊侵略中國並參與洗劫圓明園的細節。



25th October


… Rather a good trait in their character was it not, restoring the prisoners without having tortured them or done them any injury… we found that our shells had done great execution. In one place I counted not less than 18 dead bodies in a space of less than 50 yards...


Their loss was tremendous. A flag of truce was sent over and the surrender of the remaining forts was demanded.


The war is now virtually at an end, and before many months are over I expect we shall all be on our way home, I am afraid that I shall not be at home in time for Xmas…


Peking is now virtually ours, one of the gates have been surrendered to us several days ago, on the day on which we were to have opened fire…


...the following day we were to have gone on to the Summer Palace... there being only about 300 servants left to look after the place, and a small guard of about 50 men, who of course did not attempt any resistance.


The French got lots of valuable loot in the way of watches, clocks, fur coats, silks etc. The General (Sir Hope Grant) sent out all the carts he could find, brought in as much as they could carry, and all the things were sold by auction for prize money for the force actually present on the 6th, and a considerable amount was realized as the things went at fabulous prices.


There was also a large sum of sycee silver and gold found, which will also be divided amongst the troops. Some of the money has already been distributed. I expect to get about five and forty Pounds for my share.


21st October


… I went out on Thursday with a party to burn down the Summer Palace. It is about four miles from here, and a portion of it is beautifully situated on a spur of the hills which form a magnificent background; it is very different from all European notions of a palace, and consists of range of buildings scattered over an immense extent of ground on the plain at the foot of the hills.


The temples were enriched with quantities of most beautiful bronzes and enamels, but were too large and heavy to be moved conveniently...


I succeeded in getting several bronzes and enamel vases as well as some very fine porcelain cups and saucers of the Emperor's imperial pattern (yellow with green dragons) but they are so dreadfully brittle that I quite despair ever being able to get them home in their present condition.
