
來源: 2019-04-20 18:14:31 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

壓限 (compression)就是時間上調節音量。整首聲音量大小比較均勻,不要突然的變大 (smooth out spikes)。

EQ 就是在頻率上麵調節音量大小。高音對應高頻率(more vibration per second)。高頻減少音量高音就不會刺耳了。增加就會聲音更有穿透力。

BGM - background music 你現在的吉他伴奏是BGM。下載的伴奏也是BGM。朗讀人聲是在前麵。

我把前人後期經驗 cut and paste 到博客裏麵。還在慢慢體會。




Equalization (audio) - Wikipedia

Equalization or equalisation is the process of adjusting the balance between frequency ... In the field of audio electronics, the term "equalization" (or "EQ") has come to include the adjustment of frequency responses for practical or aesthetic ...