
來源: 2023-12-01 18:28:50 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

題1 :  如果是Non-DACA,是不是 part4, part 5 and part 6 都不填呢? 


Page 3裏的 Where do you want this travel document sent? 還是要選一個的吧?

-Yes, select Item 5 of Part 3: To the US adress shown in Part 1.....

問題2 :  Part7 要求 另附一張說明為什麽符合 Advance Parole Document的。 需要要寫些什麽呢?考古了一下,在美國境內申請,這樣寫行嗎?  

‘I am filing I-485, Status Adjustment, and I am applying for advance parole based on my pending I-485.’


問題3:    Part 8 1 I am requesting an Employment Authroization Document(EAD) upon approval of my new Operation Allies Welcome(OAW) period of parole. 是選 No 吧?

-Say "No".