
來源: 2019-07-20 18:30:05 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:


1. 回美證有2個地方說明,我感覺有矛盾

 第一處 "You should file your Form I-131 no fewer than 60 days before you intend to travel abroad"

 第二處“We recommend that you file Form I-131 when you are in the United States. However, you don't have to be in the United States for USCIS to approve your Form I-131 ad issue an reentry permit to you if your biometrics(photo, fingerprints) have been obtained"



采集biometrics的"Application Support Center"是不是每個州都有?(Application Support Center(ASC) to obtain your biometrics)


2. 關於是否需要辦理回美證

"What if Imust leave the United States before I can file a Form I-131 for a reentry permit?"

"You do not need a reentry permit if you will be outside the United States for less than one year. If you have been outside the United States for less than one year, you may use your permanent Resident Card(Form I-551) as your travel document."
