
來源: 2019-01-13 13:27:44 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

下個月NIW的PD current, 但是準備今年回國工作一段時間,請教下8老師下麵幾個問題:

這樣拿綠卡的風險比等在美國AOS大嗎?到時候還需要先拿到offer letter才能移民簽證嗎?我的140是NIW
-Technically you don't have ot have a job offer, but practically you had better have a job offer from a US employer when you are scheduled for the interview and thus, it will be much easier for you to get the immigrant visa.

2)如果按照上麵CP操作的話,會不會總的流程比AOS要慢個6個月左右?現在I824好像批的很慢。有沒有辦法拿著I824的receipt number和批準的I140聯係NVC要visa number的呢?還是非要等I824批準?
-Your I-824 must be approved first, then USCIS can forward your case to NVC for processing for the visa application. It takes much longer time than you file I-485 within US to get the green card.

-Yes you can, but USCIS may ask your employment status within US (see above answer).

