
來源: 2018-07-14 05:36:33 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

侄女F1 VISA被據 兩次, 現在不知道該怎麽辦。請問一下聘請美國移民律師有幫助嗎?
-I don't think the lawyer can do anything about it. Lawyer's job is to prepare the paperwork, nothing more. The immigrant visa paperwork is very simple and does not need a lawyer. Just prepare the documents based on the denial reasons, and try to apply for it again.


今年三月份和她爸爸去簽B2被拒,中介把她爸爸收入填錯,月薪8萬填成年薪8萬。F1 被據可能受 B2 被據影響。
