
來源: 2018-07-11 11:31:15 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

我的case是這樣的,F2A 130 PD 是 May 12 2017,到了今年 2018 APR 的 Visa bulletin 給出的filing date 是 2017 Sept 22. 雖然130還沒批,就交了 I485的表。很快打指紋並且安排7月麵試,當時就覺得奇怪,因為 final action date還是2016年。去麵試碰到無語的麵試官,非說我們提交485早了,應該等到visa avaiable後再提交。我們在手機上給她看了國務院和移民局的filing date但非說她工作很多年,肯定是沒錯的。找她的supervisor談,結論是supervisor可以回頭再看一下case到底是怎麽回事,似乎還是會pending to deny? 說兩周後給我們回複。


-It is normal that Some IO is not experenced, and make a bad decision on some cases. So, you don't need to worry about it. You have explained to the IO that you were qualified for I-485 filing at that time and showed him/her the evidence. So, just wait and I believe they will review your case again and make the correct decision.

If your case is denied, you still can file Motion to reopen or file a new I-485.