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來源: 2018-04-04 20:13:49 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

Here is a sample that someone else wrote (不是俺寫的!):


In July XXXX, the last year of my college education, the English Department
of the University recommended me for Communist Party Membership. I decided
to accept the invitation to join the Communist Party. I was awarded CP
membership because I had been one of the best students in my class
throughout my college life. In China, enrollment by CP is a reward for good
performance, as well as for excellence in extra curricular activities and
helping other students. CP membership makes it easier for a fresh graduate
to get a good job in state-owned enterprises. So, in all my classmates’
minds, the recommendation for CP membership was not only recognition of
excellent performance, but also would be a big help for job hunting after
graduation. It was with the hope for a better job, that I accepted the
recommendation and joined the CP before I left the University.
I have never been an active member of the CP, worked on any committee,
attended any meetings or endorsed Chinese CP policies. In fact, I have just
barely maintained the membership. During the first three years after my
graduation my membership dues were deducted automatically from my pay check.
After 1999, I stopped paying the CP membership dues and was thus been
deprived of the membership 8 years ago.