
來源: 2018-11-12 15:02:22 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:


1 我是realtor,每年收的是1099-MISC,沒有W2,也沒有固定的paycheck。我這種情況如何提供這類的證明呢?
-Provide the copies of your tax return and 1099.
employment算是self-employed嗎,還是填我的broker as employer?
-Who paid you, i.e. who issued you 1099? - 我的broker每年年底給我1099. 


2,我自己收入不夠,所以需要我老公附上I-864A.這情況下。 Part 1  1e是不是要填 I am the first of two joint sponsors?
-Did you mean I-864 or I-864A?  If it is I-864, you only need to select "1.a I am the petitioner. I filed or am filing for the immigration of my relative".

嗯,我是問I-864的這個,所以你的意思是這個就留空是嗎?謝謝啦-Yes. Read the form carefully.

  1. 1.d.  I am the only joint sponsor.

  2. 1.e.  I am the first second of two joint sponsors.

- 還有個I-485的問題,我媽媽在2010年就退休了,在Part 3 - 11 要求問employment history, 我媽媽已經退休8年了,還需要填嗎?因為表上隻要求填寫過去5年的。 
Just say "Retired".

- I-485 黨員的解釋,我媽媽在2015年就停止交黨費了,所以這種情況下,是不是就解釋何時開始,何時結束就好了?-She still needs to write a statement addressing when and why she joined the Party (e.g. employment, promotion), what activities she participated in (e.g. routine Party Group meetings/activities, etc.), and when she quitted the Party. If iis very helpful if she can provide the proof that she quitted the Party such as a letter from the local Party Secretary or Party Group leader.
