
來源: 2014-09-24 11:26:00 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

請問8老師: 1. 我父母的出生證,結婚證都在國內公證了,是不是隻呈交公證文件即可,還需要結婚證原件的複印件嗎?
-國內公證 should contain the 原件的複印件, right?

當時的公證書沒有附Cettified Translation以證明公證文件的英文翻譯是true and exact translation,我可以自己寫一個證明嗎?
-You may ask one of your friend to translate it English and notarize your friend's signature at a Notary Public. Your friend also need to write statement addressing that he/she knows both English and Chinese well and the translation is accurate.