Bloomberg 關於大學回報率的分析,IVY遙遙領先,旗艦州立強於其它私立名校

來源: 2024-04-29 12:32:00 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

  • Elite private colleges underperform compared to flagship public institutions
  • The University of Texas at Austin had a higher return on investment than USC
  • But the very top colleges - the eight that make up the Ivy League - are worth it 

The analysis ranked 1,500 colleges and universities by comparing graduates' earnings with what they paid for their degrees.

Those with an Ivy League degree easily got their money's worth even though they paid top dollar for their education - as such qualifications land graduates the very best paid jobs.

Instead, the study found that 'flagship' public colleges offer better returns on investment ten years after enrollment than the prestigious and selective private schools - sometimes known as the 'Hidden Ivies.' 

Flagship public schools include those like UC Berkeley, UCLA, the University of Michigan, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Virginia.

Prestigious private colleges like Fordham, Rice, Duke and Northwestern by comparison cost in the region of $70,000 and $80,000 a year but only offer returns of about $135,000 compared to the $265,500 Ivy League degrees generated.