
來源: 2016-08-16 15:12:19 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

現在一般情況下綠卡辦下來從頭到尾律師費加上交給USCIS 的費用總共是多少啊?

得這個deal 不錯,我一開始告訴他們辦下來估計一萬左右,今天聊了一個美國的律師
,感覺費用挺貴,H1-B 辦下來就要四五千,


有點估計說綠卡辦下來要 一萬五到兩萬,

-No, it is ridiculous expensive based on this lawyer. The lawyer fee: different lawyers may charge different lawyer service fee. Normally, lawyer fee for H-1B petition: $700 to $1,000, and it is expensive if > $1,000. For PERM based green card (PERM. I-140 and I-485), normally lawyer fee is $3,500 to $5,000, and if >$5,500, it is too expensive. You can contact more lawyers and compare their fees and select a reasonable one.

我有跟新雇主說可能總數要兩萬五左右,HM 說要問一問大頭,因為一開始他們的預算
是一萬五左右。我說我也在研究一下 找不同的律師是不是能夠省點錢,HM 找我要律師