回複:H1b/manager/EB1c 複雜案子,請問8老師
男友人,H1B延期了,現在是第4年。小型跨國公司60多年曆史,1000多人吧。 總部在美國,朋友職位是工程部經理 現被派到中國分公司工作兩年,其間不時回美工作幾周, 但是工資一直在美國拿,補助在中國拿,目前也拿了中國就業許可證。說回來後會升主任,當然至少可以做原來的部門經理。
-No. EB-1C was created for managers and executives of a foreign company who meet the L-1A standards and are interested in becoming lawful permanent residents (LPRs). That means the company is a foreign company, not a US company, which has a branch company in US and the L-1A holder is respon*****ile for that branch. Obviously, your friend is not that case.
-Not need.