
來源: 2018-10-11 10:20:55 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

全球變暖, 形勢嚴峻, 刻不容緩。 可是, 人類會行動起來拯救自己嗎? 我沒什麽信心哎。 各國政府會放下分歧合作? 人們會改變自己的生活習慣, 為人類前途犧牲一些眼前的方便?嚴重懷疑嗬。 


Final call to save the world from 'climate catastrophe'

Their dramatic report on keeping that rise under 1.5 degrees C says the world is now completely off track, heading instead towards 3C.

"Scientists might want to write in capital letters, 'ACT NOW, IDIOTS,' but they need to say that with facts and numbers,"

Not any more. This new study says that going past 1.5C is dicing with the planet's liveability. And the 1.5C temperature "guard rail" could be exceeded in just 12 years, in 2030.

We can stay below it - but it will require urgent, large-scale changes from governments and individuals and we will have to invest a massive pile of cash every year, about 2.5% of global gross domestic product (GDP), the value of all goods and services produced, for two decades.