關於official transcripts 請教

來源: 2018-01-14 14:56:11 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

收到新單位的郵件讓準備一些材料,包括成績單,需要下麵一家公司評估。     Please send official transcripts from your highest obtained degree. (If degree was earned outside the US only: If your degree was earned outside the United States it will require translation and it will need to be professionally evaluated. Here is a link to two companies that provides this service: http://trustfortecorp.com/  and  http://www.thedegreepeople.com/evaluations.html. )。

去這兩家看了後覺得第一家要簡單方便一些。但準備填他家的申請表時發現不知道應該選哪個項目,好像應該選course by course? 這樣的話除了貴,也挺花時間,需要2-3周的時間。不知道可不可以要求改成提供學位認證?這樣就快了,可以在付錢的當天搞定。不知道這裏的同學有沒有這方麵的經曆?謝謝!