Honda pilot 怎麽都沒Toyota celica結實?

來源: 2011-04-25 13:48:44 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

First of all, this is a sad story. It happened yesterday. Just check it out.

Toyota celica 的司機駕車失控,和一輛Honda pilot迎頭相撞,結果Pilot的司機命沒啦,旁邊的乘客估計傷的不輕(judged by the word "expected to survive).Celica的司機也送了醫院,傷情不祥但估計問題不大(judged by the word "expected to be booked on the same charge after his release from the hospital”).

Pilot是一SUV, 重量比Celica大,bumper 也高,怎麽這樣不頂事?是Celica太結實了還是Pilot太不結實了?