The Sea's Embrace (英文)
大家好,Happy Friday!又到周末了,心情也是愉悅的,送上一曲正能量歌曲 The Sea's Embrace。這首歌翻譯自我寫的第一首格律詩《觀海》,雖然談不上是嚴格的五言絕句,但畢竟是“第一個孩子”, 我依然很喜歡它。這是一首讚美大自然的歌曲。一次旅行中,我有幸看在同一天到了皎月映海、旭日東升以及日月同輝的壯闊又美妙的景象,於是就記錄了下來。上班路上聽著覺得元氣滿滿,心境也隨歌曲變得豁達開朗。希望你也喜歡!
The Sea's Embrace
Lyrics: Mu, Zimo Music&Vocals: Suno
The bright moon meets the vast sea,
The morning sun paints the sky.
The Moon and sun shine together,
Waves stretch far and wide.
The moon and sun shine together,
Waves stretch far and wide.
The moon and sun shine together,
Waves stretch far and wide.