@康賽歐 做好自己和做個人上人之間有什麽關係呢?什麽叫人上人? 在美國有需要做人上人嗎?有“貧賤夫妻百事哀”在美國嗎?是一種怎樣情形呢? 美國社會像橄欖球,中間大,絕大部分是中產階級。 底層有政府的免費housing,吃也不同愁和什麽SSI, 真沒見他們為明天憂愁什麽。As long as you make a decent and honest living, you could have a comfortable lifestyle that you like, really not a big deal!
You don't need to be rich to live as a person with dignity.
It's so different here than in China. Most people in the U.S wouldn't be able to strike rich but live comfortably. There's a solid middle class like us. We'd never become rich or super rich. It's not realistic. In China you might all of a sudden turn rich, then lose everything. So there was a craze about getting richer, becoming a billionaire and so on. But it's no longer working like that over there either.
@康賽歐 做好自己和做個人上人之間有什麽關係呢?什麽叫人上人? 在美國有需要做人上人嗎?有“貧賤夫妻百事哀”在美國嗎?是一種怎樣情形呢? 美國社會像橄欖球,中間大,絕大部分是中產階級。 底層有政府的免費housing,吃也不同愁和什麽SSI, 真沒見他們為明天憂愁什麽。As long as you make a decent and honest living, you could have a comfortable lifestyle that you like, really not a big deal!
其實錢追求錢這一點上,美國和中國並沒有區別。隻不過很多華裔,很社會接觸不多而已。至於什麽是 RICH, 標準也不一樣。
Hi elfie, well said, I agree with some of your points.
You don't need to be rich to live as a person with dignity. It's so different here than in China. Most people in the U.S wouldn't be able to strike rich but live comfortably. There's a solid middle class like us. We'd never become rich or super rich. It's not realistic. In China you might all of a sudden turn rich, then lose everything. So there was a craze about getting richer, becoming a billionaire and so on. But it's no longer working like that over there either.
不做好自己,怎麽成為人上人呢 @天上星星
問好! 說的不錯,活在當下。有句老話是這麽說的,貧賤夫妻百事哀。。。@天上星星
國情不一樣。在厲害國,需要有一副人上人的樣子。在美國,我們隻需有一份穩定工作,做好自己就行。 經上記著說:“然而我告訴你們,就是所羅門極榮華的時候,他所穿戴的,還不如這花一朵呢!”
華人無論在哪裏,都很有憂患意識, 錢永遠攢不夠,房子不夠多。見過很多外族人沒有錢,又有小孩要撫養,日子居然過得很開心,很有底氣,活在當下不想明天。好友先生10幾年前讀博士,同院有讀PHD,醫科的外族人士,沒錢,孩子4-5個, 日子過得無憂無慮,笑口常開。好友卻天天憂愁明天的日子。她也佩服周圍鄰居生活負擔比她多幾倍,卻能活在當下,每天開心。
是啊,女人還得經濟獨立 @京妞
說的沒錯 @京妞
靠男人吃飯的女人, 那怕有錢,也比較悲催。
沒房子的女人, 當然是沒錢的女人咯。