讓人心痛。這位警長應該是個實誠的好人。現在一個人淩晨去店裏察看太危險了。東西沒了,店砸了,教堂壞了,都會回來, 生命一去不複返。What a sad and tragic loss, may he RIP, condolences to his family and justice will be served.
dragon221 發表評論於 2020-06-03 19:46:30
拜登出來講話連說了3次 “I can not breath", 這是名目張膽地煽風點火,就連一句譴責暴亂分子的話都沒有。民主黨為了政治利益不惜砸爛這個國家。卑鄙無恥!
I totally agree.
The Democratic are using the blacks for their own political gain.
Poor black community, I cry for them.
A lot of black people are simple minded, genuine, kind, and honest people.
But they are easily being manipulated due to the lack of education and naively thinking others are as genuine as them.
So sad... innocent people are getting killed... It does not matter whether he is white, black, or yellow... He is a human being.. It could happen to any of us.