殺之何咎?你應該問問那些泛民政治人物,直接或間接鼓動這些涉世未深的學生廢青以自由民主的名義打砸燒搶,但這些人有沒有送自己的孩子衝上前線?最狠毒的就是這些政治人物,在旁邊後邊煽情鼓動,被捕前途盡毀的是這些too simple to naive的炮灰,而他們蘸著人血饅頭大把收獲自己的政治利益!在港大校長和學生的討論會上,那個所謂大律師竟然公然鼓動“有時暴力就是解決問題的一個方式”,要不要問問他有沒有把自己的孩子親戚送去暴力前線!這就是所謂香港大律師,港大校友,真他媽太惡心了,可憐可恨的是那些自以為是fight for freedom的才十幾歲的孩子!
It serves him right. Look at these young rats and hooligans and thugs. They destroyed public facilities, smashing shops, hurting people, etc. This is not democracy.These are terrorist act! If you touched the police in USA, you would be dead. The HK police are so patient. If they are attacked, please kill these rats. Let them say the communists kill people. Who cares! Let the media disturb the waters! Real people with common sense do understand what happens. Look at these young rats in the pictures, and they shed crocodile tears when one rat died!
The more people die, the better; let them know the blood lesson.