I agree with you fully. But the Asian people in New York that take the trains are really disrespectful, they will sit on you and move you over. They can see a 2 inch gap in the seats and try to sit on half your lap. So as much as this mom was in the wrong I can see how the years of dealing with this type of nonsense would have lead to this reaction. I only say this from experience. I've had Chinese people damn near sit on my lap many times. Or the worst one when they just walk into a train and you're moving to a seat to sit down, if they get in and see it they will rush and push you out the way just to sit. So elderly or not the Chinese community in New York are very disrespectful on these trains. I see it every day.
wx3000 發表評論於 2019-06-05 10:07:01
閱後發 發表評論於 2019-06-05 10:05:52
hats not the exact story... A man got up and gave HIS seat to the elderly Asian woman. The asian woman accepted the offer and sat down - So now the seat belongs to the asian woman. (The demon possessed monster's two kids were already sharing one seat before the asian woman sat down). The demon possessed monster became angry bc the man didnt offer HIS seat to one of her kids, claiming bc they are black. Then the black woman wanted to switch seats with the asian woman so she could sit next to her daughter all the while she is screaming, cursing, ranting racial explitives... When the asian woman told her to calm down and mind her language which is what civilized people do, the black woman instructs her kids to push the asian woman out of HER seat. The demon possessed forcefully pushed her to the floor and STOLE the seat away from the asian woman.