由於Bank of Canada這兩年一再降息,加拿大已經成功地將通脹率控製到了2%以下的目標(美國的通脹率相對而言依然居高不下);也正因為此,加元與美元的兌換率近年來急劇下降,這就決定了,哪怕兩國經濟量近兩年都沒變化,但加拿大與美國的GDP差異也會急劇拉大。當然,在小土豆的經濟和社會政策下,加拿大這兩年也確實背離了它的傳統軌道。
To: Attorney General Merrick Garland
Denaturalize Elon Musk
As Elon Musk violated the terms of his US Visa, has fraudulently acquired US citizenship, has treasonously acted against the strategic interests of the US and has flagrantly violated US election law, it is demanded by the signatories to this petition that he be legally denaturalized, his assets seized, nationalized and sold for the public benefit and that he be deported and forever barred from entry into the United States of America.
Why is this important?
The United States of America is a democracy and must not be allowed to become the plaything of oligarchy. Particularly foreign nationals should be deterred from thinking that their economic power supercedes the democratic will of the people. To that end bad actors should face the most severe of consequences when attempting to subvert US laws and the will of the people.
novtim2 發表評論於 2025-02-23 10:08:06
文學城已經被左派占領了;DOGE發現 社會保險局向不知名的人發放了5 萬億支票。正常人到了退休之後,社會保險局會向他每月發放一筆錢,2000或者3000取決於他年輕時交的稅。每一筆都有一個“TO: DOE JOE” 給某一個人,相當於一張聯邦政府給 DOE JOE的支票。
但是DOGE發現,有價值5萬億的支票發給了不知名的人,這些支票的 “TO” 一欄是空白的,也就是說誰填寫就是誰的。5萬億相當於5百萬張 支票,每張1百萬元。
由於Bank of Canada這兩年一再降息,加拿大已經成功地將通脹率控製到了2%以下的目標(美國的通脹率相對而言依然居高不下);也正因為此,加元與美元的兌換率近年來急劇下降,這就決定了,哪怕兩國經濟量近兩年都沒變化,但加拿大與美國的GDP差異也會急劇拉大。當然,在小土豆的經濟和社會政策下,加拿大這兩年也確實背離了它的傳統軌道。