曆史又一村 發表評論於 2025-02-08 13:42:00To 樓下的五毛 Alextelltale. 你每天都在對著台灣的事亂放砲。You are so stupid. worry about yourself please. Taiwan is not of your concern. But we welcome you immigrat to Taiwan legally to experience Taiwan’s 全民健保。全民教育,台灣護照免簽證國140 餘國等台灣公司benefits. So you can live like a respectable human again. Otherwise, Shut it or keep it to yourself!
To 樓下的五毛 Alextelltale. 你每天都在對著台灣的事亂放砲。You are so stupid. worry about yourself please. Taiwan is not of your concern. But we welcome you immigrat to Taiwan legally to experience Taiwan’s 全民健保。全民教育,台灣護照免簽證國140 餘國等台灣公司benefits. So you can live like a respectable human again. Otherwise, Shut it or keep it to yourself!
alextelltale 發表評論於 2025-02-08 12:37:
00 最可憐的是台灣,毫無還手之力,任人宰割。
台灣的人均gdp是三萬五千美元, 大陸是一萬二千美元。 你不操心自己?