這次傻川徹底激怒了加拿大人,以後加拿大人對美國會心存芥蒂加心存戒心,最可靠你的貿易夥伴就此變成陌路人,現在加拿大國內diversify trade relations呼聲高漲,肯定稱為今年大選的熱點,川普自以為玩了一場art of deal,不僅在全世界成為笑話,而且永久地損害了美加關係,美國需要加拿大的地方其實很多,經濟外交都是,美國人民選了這麽個活寶,對美國女的損害超過任何恐怖分子
The U.S. Congress is malfunctioning now. The country's credit is badly damaged. Dictators have never treated this orange man seriously, which has been acknowledged fact. Now it is the western world to have realized that they have to deal with a maniac for the coming years until the congress functions properly again.
baikaishui 發表評論於 2025-02-03 19:04:50川普第二任爐火純青,治大國如烹小飪,高舉輕放,好戲連連