What a statement! Christ is Jesus. Jesus is a Jew. The Romans said Jesus is a fellon, and they killed him. For some reason Jesus came back to life and actually the Roman's (Italians) established the Cathlic church and put Christ as a center focus. Yes, if you are a "Christian" on paper like Biden, your words mean nothing. Trump speak with actions.
拾麥客 發表評論於 2025-01-22 10:31:04
矽穀工匠 發表評論於 2025-01-22 10:29:03
These women are never thankful for anything they get.
旁觀者XWY 發表評論於 2025-01-22 13:05:00極少數人的性生理不幸成了大眾的政治問題,左右翼人士都是始作俑者,這邊抬那邊踩。人家已經麵臨天生的不幸,還被政治人物冷嘲熱諷,文學城裏有破口大罵者。希望這些人的子孫後代不要麵臨同樣不幸。阿門。