評論: 加州大火蔓延動態過程曝光!連賀錦麗家也遭殃

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blaser 發表評論於 2025-01-14 08:21:59
sheblushed 發表評論於 2025-01-13 13:31:02 美國從上到下根本沒有一種有保障的救援機製!大難當頭各自飛,老百姓死無葬身之地,根本沒有足夠的專業救援部隊,救援人員,救援設備,甚至救援物資關鍵時刻可能都拿不出來。。。老百姓懶散慣了,沒有自救能力,沒有自救覺悟,無能為力。上次佛羅裏達海邊一棟民居大樓坍塌,沒專業人員來救援,老百姓壓在石頭下等死!這次山火連消防栓裏水都沒有!多少飛禽走獸無辜死於火海,造孽!文學城一批罵中國的混賬王八,還想把美國往陰溝裏引!這個時候不得不想起中國人民解放軍,中國消防人員,中國人民,中國政府,中國共產黨,他們真正的在為人民服務,危亡關頭總能看見他們的身影:偉大的中國共產黨萬歲!偉大的中國人民萬歲!光芒萬丈的中國萬歲
blaser 發表評論於 2025-01-14 08:20:17
丹佛 發表評論於 2025-01-13 20:12:21
Run4rest 發表評論於 2025-01-13 15:01:00
害怕 發表評論於 2025-01-13 14:18:25
TitaniumAtlas 發表評論於 2025-01-13 14:01:59
藍天大地 發表評論於 2025-01-13 13:56:09

tony0101 發表評論於 2025-01-13 13:48:00
sheblushed 發表評論於 2025-01-13 13:31:02
土撥鼠撥土 發表評論於 2025-01-13 13:06:21
pcboy888 發表評論於 2025-01-13 12:38:39
沒事逛逛88 發表評論於 2025-01-13 12:08:50
smallCrab 發表評論於 2025-01-13 11:43:02
xyz18 發表評論於 2025-01-13 11:01:26
大汗淋漓 發表評論於 2025-01-13 10:59:55
大汗淋漓 發表評論於 2025-01-13 10:58:42
賀錦雞家好幾處房產。。。 這個地區沒有騷味了,騷逼窩被燒了。
nyfan 發表評論於 2025-01-13 10:41:00
HALS 發表評論於 2025-01-13 10:25:56
不好吃懶做 發表評論於 2025-01-13 10:11:43
AreyouOK? 發表評論於 2025-01-13 09:56:39
不用為賀錦麗不擔心. 為HOMELESS免費修了那麽多免費住宅, 她一定可以優先獲得一套.
相信事實 發表評論於 2025-01-13 09:45:08
點火 發表評論於 2025-01-13 09:40:40
TitaniumAtlas 發表評論於 2025-01-13 09:40:16
Bhistory 發表評論於 2025-01-13 09:36:27
Part 3
AUSTRALIA watch your govt implode before you. I am freeing you from this tyranny. Many in your nation will turn to Me and Australia MY glory will be experienced in your country and REVIVAL will be set ablaze that your enemies can’t stop says the Lord.

My children your enemies are in a state of confusion they have never known and a panic they won’t get relief from. This is the time for them to be cut off and removed in unprecedented ways says the Lord Your Redeemer.

Then I also heard…

A plan to sabotage your electric grid is moving forward to cause total havoc in this country and others around the world. They will not see what they planned but they will see darkness and a blackout is just not one they wanted or planned on. Your enemy’s days of sabotaging your lives are over says the Lord.

Your water supply has been contaminated, not only your tap water but your enemies have contaminated your rivers and your lakes as much as they could to sicken you but I am cleansing your land. I will restore everything that they destroyed and bring it back to where it should be.

Bio-labs will be exposed and destroyed as more whistle-blowers are coming forward to reveal what has really been going on inside these labs, how many there are and they were across the globe. Their bio-labs will be extinguished, along with all their hopes and plans for them. I am bringing down their system against humanity and all the damage to your bodies will be undone by Me says the Lord of Hosts.

My children, a glorious restoration is taking place in every part of your lives. So rejoice. I am on your side. I will not fail and I will restore it all back to you says the Lord.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2025-01-13 09:35:34
Part 2
CHINA will start to collapse in a way they will not recover from. The giants in nations all over the world against Me will be hit like Egypt. Their power and their finances will be ripped away from them. All the intel, all the infiltration, all the plans and cover-ups, blackmail was for nothing. China’s plan was to take over this nation of the United States and the world this year. This was their plan they will not see. This nation will not burn but theirs will instead and their plans ripped apart against every nation they wanted to dominate. Watch these unprecedented events that will take place in China that will destroy their govt, their power that they have world-wide. China will shake like never before to rid that country of its rogue leaders, says the Lord of Hosts.

REVIVAL will break out in China after the fall of that govt. More will come into My Kingdom despite the efforts of their leaders that tried to smother My glory in every way they could. But MY GLORY will fill their churches and miracles will break out across that land says the Lord.

Watch CANADA. Unprecedented events will take place there and their govt with Trudeau will fall and no form of recovering for him will take place.The globalists will be forced to surrender him and they will let him fall for the sake of saving other leaders. So watch how hard and how fast Trudeau was removed from the seat of power. I will see to it says the Lord.

Mysterious explosions in meat plants, chicken farms and all sources of your food & processing plants, that have happened in unprecedented rates will all be exposed. None of this was an accident. I will show you the sabotage of your food supply in every way they could attack it they tried. I will also show you My children, the ones who are injecting and putting viruses in your food including in cattle, poultry and pork and every way they can to force a bird flu in your food. They are desperately trying right now to poison your food at a rate they have never taken before.

Whistle-blowers are coming to expose the poisoning of your air, water, food and soil. All this is coming to an explosive place that will bring down the FDA and how it allows such poisons into your food supply. Every piece of the Establishment will be annihilated by My hand.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2025-01-13 09:34:33

[Word heard – January 5, 2025]

For I the Lord this day am telling you My children, 2025 IS THE YEAR TO COME ALIVE. This year your enemies wanted a massive death on a massive scale, never seen before. They wanted the fall of the nations who are not part of their global tyranny. They’ve wanted to implement martial law and totalitarianism world-wide. This year they thought was their year. This was the time to rule over the nations, a time to bring in their beast system to control the world in every way. This was their time to depopulate the earth. This was their time to destroy My church and any faith and strength you had left.

That’s why they snuck into My church. They brought in their pastors and their man-made doctrines to deceive the churches into believing a lie. They weakened congregations year after year until My church believed their words and not Mine, so you were no longer a threat to them - because of My church, they were not praying against it, knowing their authority that could rip it away from them once and for all.

They got pastors, and teachers, and apostles and evangelists and prophets and congregations to turn on one another, stirring up so much bitterness and strife, that they were fighting amongst yourselves, distracted, becoming weak and then they would take you out while you were completely unaware.

This was your enemy’s year to start WW3 that would destroy all their enemies and bring masses into their submission because the church was no longer standing in their way. This was their time they thought to take everything over for full world dominance. Do you see why they must see Me and they must fall in a way that they will not recover from. This is not the year of death. It will be the YEAR OF MY GLORY says the Lord of Hosts.
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