I don't know about all Chinese people, man. No doubt you know some Chinese for sure, which otherwise you wouldn't be here answering this news report and laughing out at the criminals. Does that mean for a fact you are stupid and possibly greedy, since you got Chinese genetics and know Chinese. But definitely you can pretend you don't know any Chinese at all and stay away from Chinese news platforms. How does that sound to you? Smarty pants?
elfie 發表評論於 2025-01-02 16:11:24
Chinese people are stupid and greedy.
Laughing is the right reaction to those two idiots. Got you!
太湖四白 發表評論於 2025-01-02 15:54:43
So what?人渣還有種族,膚色,文化的區別嗎?照這文章的口氣是不是要給美國不同膚色,不同種族,不同文化背景的犯罪份子們排個榜,比比哪個種族犯罪比列高?哪個低?這篇文章把小編那點陰暗小心思暴露無遺
Cheng Li, 25, and Jiaxin Jiang, 24 were arrested on fraud, counterfeiting, and larceny charges during a traffic stop on Wednesday. Deputies say the pair had more than $158,000 worth of fraudulent gift cards, plus equipment to forge more.