The public medias dominated by the left camps exaggerated biden's floundering in the debate while forgiving Trump's countless mischievous illogical words (such as black jobs) too quickly.
Had Biden immediately recruited Andrew Yang to deploy more progressive policies once he got elected, the Democrats should have no chance to lose. But the whites are still arrogant at the top no matter they are left or right. Biden should regret on that.
In any way, this is the punishment the US must go through to clean house of extremists both left and right
To My Children;
Do you hear?
Your enemies are on the prowl;
And they have planned attacks.
It doesn’t matter.
You stand your ground.
You stand with ME;
And you will HAVE that victory.
You will HAVE complete restoration;
And you will experience My Glory like never before.
THAT what’s on the other side;
Of your enemies attacks;
And their plan.
Their downfall and Me rising you up out of each and everyone of them;
So hold tight;
And hold fast;
Because this is ALMOST the end;
To EVERYTHING you see against you.
Says the Lord.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-12-30 07:35:40
I see your eyeing on New York City.
I see your eyeing Los Angeles.
I see your eyeing Chicago;
And Houston.
I see your target.
I see Boston.
I SEE you have targets on them…
But you don’t see Me.
You don’t see My Army.
You don’t see My hedge of protection.
Your pointing your weapons at these Cities;
And MY Army and their weapons are pointing at you.
Once you give the green light;
For these attacks with your Foreign Militias;
And your ai technology;
And any other form of technology that you use;
It will be directed at you.
YOU will fall.
YOU will have total annihilation and destruction.
You want to shut the World down?
You want to have another pandemic?
You want to have another World War?
You wanna have the financial system completely collapse;
To bury everyone underneath of it…
But you will bury yourselves.
You will collapse your empires once you touch that button.
Once you make those moves… your through.
Enemies of Almighty God… you are through.
I have said enough is enough;
And THAT’s what I mean.
YOU and your empires;
And your rouge Governments;
And your out of control spending;
Your out of control Judges;
And your law fare you’ve had against My People.
Enough is enough.
I don’t need to say it again;
Those words are still going forth;
But apparently YOU need to hear them.
MY People are NOT your slaves;
And they are NOT your’s to control.
A great and mighty shift is coming;
That will rock you to your core.
That will rock your Government.
It will rock everything that you have.
You will NOT recover from this.
No, not in this time.
This is time for My Glory.
This is a time for My Church.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-12-30 07:34:48
rumble. com/v63b2un-live-with-julie.html?start=647
Dec 27, 2024
Transcription of the Word of the Lord given to Prophet Julie Green.
[Unofficial - I am not part of JGM]
Woe to you enemies of Almighty God;
I see you lurking in the shadows;
And around the corners.
I see what you’re doing all over My Nation.
I see your attacks;
And I see what your trying to do to get revenge;
Against My David.
Revenge against the American Citizens who voted for him.
You want revenge.
You want to act.
You want to tear apart this Nation from limb to limb;
Because if you can’t have it, no one can.
Well, I will tell YOU, enemies of Almighty God;
You WILL NOT see that day where this United States falls.
You WILL NOT see that day.
The United States is NOT falling.
YOUR empire is falling.
YOUR globalist agenda is falling.
Those in Washington DC;
You WILL NOT have your way.
You will NOT get past Me.
For I the Lord God this day;
Say this is MY Nation;
And you will KNOW that for a fact.
You are trying everything with the occult world.
You are trying everything with you Foreign friends;
Foreign enemies and their Militias,
You are trying everything with technology.
You are doing everything;
And using every weapon in your arsenal.
Do you NOT know that you are NOT greater than Me.
Not only will I show THIS Nation;
And I will show My Children all around the world;