Judgment is coming O Washington DC. This nation will know all your skeletons that you thought you had buried or tried to destroy. But I have it all and every person a part of that day I will have My final say against you.
My children, this nation will shake with the revelation of Jan 6 and the 2020 Big Lie. Your enemies are trying everything to stop it but they can’t. It will bring the whole House of Cards down and wipe out their Establishment, their machine in your nation and all the nations they have dominated and controlled.
This day is approaching so brace for the impact this will bring to this country and the world. WHERE THE GIANTS ARE REMOVED THERE WILL BE GREAT SHOCK AND AWE BUT THERE IS A FREEDOM AND CELEBRATION THAT’S COMING ALONG WITH IT says the Lord Your Redeemer.
Sergio – this name will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Comcast – I say this name again will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Akbar [?] – this name will be in your news for a significant reason.
An exchange is taking place all over the world, an exchange of leaders, an exchange of economies, an exchange of the evil class ruling for My children all over the world. It’s time for this great exchange and a great restoration it will bring. Nations are turning to Me as I move through with My glory says the Lord Almighty.
老川是強烈質疑, 不承認大選結果的, 怎麽可能出席?