評論: 被酸嫁馬克宏是戀童癖 法第一夫人怒告4名網友

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城頭散仙 發表評論於 2024-12-14 07:44:06
這個所謂的第一夫人是男人變性的。 這個在法國,美國都不是秘密。
Airbus380 發表評論於 2024-12-13 22:46:57
ningwan 發表評論於 2024-12-13 22:18:24
ChatGPT 說:
是的,根據加州法律,如果布麗吉特·馬克龍和埃馬紐埃爾·馬克龍的關係發生在那裏,可能會被歸類為法定強奸,因為兩人年齡不同,而且埃馬紐埃爾在開始這段關係時隻有 15 歲。

在加州,同意年齡是 18 歲。這意味著,任何涉及 18 歲以下人士的性行為通常都被視為非法,即使未成年人同意。然而,加州法律確實有一些例外,特別是當雙方年齡相近時。

例如,加州有一個“年齡相近”例外(通常被稱為“羅密歐與朱麗葉”法),允許未成年人和年齡相差一定範圍的年輕人之間進行自願性行為。具體而言,如果雙方年齡相近(例如,如果一方為 16 歲或 17 歲,而另一方不超過 19 歲),法律允許雙方年齡相差 3 歲。但在本案中,由於 Brigitte(當時已經成年)和 Emmanuel(15 歲)之間相差 24 歲,根據加州法律,這種例外不適用。

因此,在加州,同意年齡為 18 歲,Brigitte 與 Emmanuel 的關係很可能被視為非法,並且她可能會被指控犯有法定強奸罪,因為 Emmanuel 當時 15 歲,因此未達到法定同意年齡。然而,這隻是一個假設的場景,因為他們的關係發生在法國,那裏的法律框架不同。

重要的是要了解法律標準因司法管轄區而異,雖然有些人可能認為這種關係存在問題,尤其是在年齡差距較大的情況下,但有關同意年齡的法律旨在保護未成年人免受關係中的剝削或脅迫。在法國等國家,法律有所不同,他們的關係沒有違反任何法國法律,因為那裏的法定年齡是 15 歲。

ningwan 發表評論於 2024-12-13 22:09:25
ningwan 發表評論於 2024-12-13 22:09:01
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You said:
What is a statuary rape? I am reading an article about Brigitte Macron and Emmanuel Macron. Brigitte is 24 years older than Emmanuel. They started relationship when Emmanuel is only 15 years old
ChatGPT said:
The term "statutory rape" refers to a legal term for sexual activity between an adult and a minor who is below the age of consent, which is typically set by law and varies depending on the country or jurisdiction. In the case of statutory rape, even if the minor agrees to or participates in the activity, it is still considered illegal because they are not legally able to give consent due to their age.

Regarding Brigitte Macron and Emmanuel Macron's relationship, it's important to note that the situation you described is often discussed in the media and public discourse because of the age difference between them. However, the key point here is that their relationship began when Emmanuel Macron was 15 and Brigitte was in her 40s. In France, the age of sexual consent is 15, which means that Emmanuel Macron, at the age of 15, was legally able to consent to a sexual relationship.

There has been public scrutiny, and some people may have used terms like "statutory rape" to describe the age gap in their relationship, but legally, their relationship did not violate France's age of consent laws. While there may be moral or ethical debates surrounding the age difference or the nature of their early relationship, legally speaking, Emmanuel Macron was above the age of consent in France at the time the relationship began.

It's worth pointing out that the relationship between the Macrons has attracted attention because of their significant age difference, but the couple has emphasized that their relationship was consensual, and they married when Emmanuel Macron was an adult.

You said:
In California's Law, Brigitte Macron committed Statutory Rape.
ChatGPT said:
Yes, under California law, Brigitte Macron's relationship with Emmanuel Macron, if it had occurred there, could potentially be classified as statutory rape due to the age difference and the fact that Emmanuel was 15 when the relationship began.

In California, the age of consent is 18 years old. This means that any sexual activity involving a person under the age of 18 is generally considered illegal, even if the minor consents. However, California law does have some exceptions, particularly when the two parties are close in age.

For example, California has a "close-in-age" exception (often referred to as the "Romeo and Juliet" law), which allows for consensual sexual activity between minors and young adults who are within a certain age range of each other. Specifically, the law allows a 3-year age difference if both parties are close in age (e.g., if one party is 16 or 17 and the other is no older than 19). But in this case, because of the 24-year age gap between Brigitte (who would have been an adult at the time) and Emmanuel (who was 15), no such exception would apply under California law.

So, in California, where the age of consent is 18, Brigitte's relationship with Emmanuel would very likely be considered illegal, and she could be charged with statutory rape, given that Emmanuel was 15 and thus under the legal age of consent. However, this is a hypothetical scenario since their relationship took place in France, where the legal framework differs.

It's important to understand that legal standards vary by jurisdiction, and while some people might view the relationship as problematic, especially in terms of the large age gap, the laws around age of consent are meant to protect minors from exploitation or coercion in relationships. In countries like France, the laws are different, and their relationship did not violate any French laws, since the age of consent there is 15.

If this situation had occurred in California, however, it would certainly be viewed through a different legal lens.

You said:
I know
ChatGPT said:
Got it! It seems like you're already familiar with the legal nuances. If you're reflecting on how the relationship between Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron would be viewed in different legal contexts, it's interesting to consider how laws can vary dramatically from place to place. The same situation can have very different legal and social implications depending on where it takes place.

If you have any other questions or thoughts about the topic, feel free to ask!

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Some people say that ...  查看完整評論
ningwan 發表評論於 2024-12-13 20:11:12
In California's Law, Brigitte Macron committed Statutory Rape.
亂城不居 發表評論於 2024-12-13 20:09:00
___1984___ 發表評論於 2024-12-13 19:48:16
萬綠叢中 發表評論於 2024-12-13 17:38:50
好像確實缺母愛,看過報道馬克宏童年和祖母一起生活特別親密,13歲被現老婆勾引。當時女方是他的老師,37歲,已婚,有孩子,完全明白她在做什麽。16,7歲被父母發現問題,把馬克宏轉學去了父母居住的城市,但是 too late,,,
xyz18 發表評論於 2024-12-13 17:21:12馬克龍缺母愛嗎?找這個老女人圖什麽呢?看著令人惡心的一對!
lhy86 發表評論於 2024-12-13 17:25:08
xyz18 發表評論於 2024-12-13 17:21:12
小毛er 發表評論於 2024-12-13 16:45:17
wxc5678 發表評論於 2024-12-13 16:42:40
挺沒勁 發表評論於 2024-12-13 15:31:00
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