欣賞Melody: You need to get your head out of your a**. 人人都知道渦扇10是從CFM56逆向工程山寨來的,隻有你執迷不悟沉溺在黨的文宣裏夜郎自大。找個懂英文的幫你翻譯一下下麵的文章,這樣的科技介紹滿世界都是,你得翻牆出來,跳出井底看看中國以外的世界。在事實麵前,五毛吹牛是會被打臉滴。
The WS-10 is reverse engineered from the CFM56 with the experience gained from the Woshan WS-6 turbofan project, which was abandoned at the start of the 1980s.[4] The WS-10 project was reportedly started by Deng Xiaoping in 1986 to produce an engine comparable to the Saturn AL-31...