So My children, as your enemies and their great army try to come out against you, remember WHO I AM. They are nothing and the Army you are in is far greater than your enemy’s. They will lose because I have guaranteed their defeat says the Lord Your Redeemer.
Then I also heard…
TV Shows will continue to be cancelled and the people who you see today will soon you will see no more. News stations will completely collapse to new regain their power over you again.
Disney will take another major blow they will not come back from.
Well-known actor and actress will fall to scandals.
My children the news industry and the entertainment industry are collapsing. They will no longer be what they used to be because it is being annihilated by Me says the Lord.
Japan is about to make a move no one sees coming.
More and more govts are about to collapse and leaders of nations will be brought down in a major way. THE TIME OF GREAT CHANGE IS HERE SAYS THE LORD.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-12-11 06:49:31
PART 2 of 3
Now you are working more with Chuck Schumer and others in the Senate. You are making these plans that will take you out and not Pres Trump. Every move you have made has been the wrong one and I will not only take and blow the doors wide open on this current House and current Senate and expose who are all the traitors in the nation. Even with the changing of the few seats in the Senate and the new House…[unintelligible]….I’m going back to every illegitimate person and all the corruption and blowing the doors off of your plans to stay in power and to sabotage anyone who is against you. Enough is enough of this corrupt system destroying justice in this nation says the Lord of Hosts.
Woe to those who have leaked information time and time again to the news outlets. I will show every rat in the Capital that are paid and sent out to get all the information to sabotage, lie and deceive the people of this nation to try to ruin the lives and careers of many people. You are snakes and I will draw you out. Where you think you had the biggest story to break, it’ll actually be the one to end your career and your freedoms.
My children, I am drawing your enemies out. Things may look darker and more confusing. It will look like your enemies could have the upper hand and may look like they’re not going anywhere but do not be deceived by what things look like. Because as they make their next moves against you to stop this nation from moving forward, it will collapse their nation and its system they designed. As their version of this nation dies, My nation will come alive.
No matter what virus, no matter what happens to the economy, no matter what terrorist plots they have up their sleeves, it’s not bigger than Me. They will not have the war they are trying to start. They will not be successful in taking out My David or sabotaging him and his presidency this time. Everything they do will solidify their collapse in front of you says the Lord.
Woe to you who are setting up traps and sabotaging Pres Trump and his incoming administration. You truly believe that you can do whatever you want and get away with it. You are trying to bury your secrets and are trying to bury this nation financially to the point of collapse to make it look like it is Trump’s fault so you can kill two birds with one stone you would say. Collapse the nation financially along with everyone in it to take out My David in the process, for your global economic takeover. You want to financially break the system and the dollar to bring in your digital currency but My hand is moving against this plan. Your system will crumble. Yes a new one will be put in its place and it’ll be Mine not yours, says the Lord
Every bill you tried to pass, every law you tried to distort for your agenda will collapse. You without realizing it, enemies of Almighty God, you are falling into every trap that I have set up for you. You think you have an indestructible system, your plans and the direction you want to move and to control this country, that it will go as you have so desired and that is the farthest thing from the truth. Your machine is broken. Your system is crumbling. Your power is being ripped from you. You will see your great reset come to nothing says the Lord of Hosts.
Woe to you in the Capital who are against Me. I am drawing you out of your holes and your hiding places. You are so disoriented because the state of panic you are in, you don’t even see the major mistakes you are making. And my infiltrators who are right next to you are collecting all the proof they need to take you out once and for all.
Hakeem Jeffries and all who are with you, behind those closed doors with all the assignments you have been given to take out My David to save the Establishment.