評論: 特朗普透露:大選後首次與習近平溝通

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ajaychen_2024 發表評論於 2024-12-10 11:20:25
wumiao 發表評論於 2024-12-09 11:36:43
京西觀察使 發表評論於 2024-12-09 11:28:43
Robinlu 發表評論於 2024-12-09 11:12:00
川普的核心價值就是“交易”,什麽都可以交易。台灣本就不是美國的東西,川普如果能把別人的東西,再賣給別人,是多麽Great deal(交易),讓世界充分看到了川普的”交易藝術“。 所以,大陸要主動跟川普談交易,可以考慮以部分免除美債為條件,反正打仗也得花錢。川普從上屆總統任期就對台灣沒什麽好印象。他認為:郭台銘“騙”了他,台積電“偷”了他,台灣很有錢還占美國便宜。
蟹粉小籠包 發表評論於 2024-12-09 10:24:13
馬年生 發表評論於 2024-12-09 08:31:56
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-12-09 08:02:01

You will see Me that I will save nations in a day and why I take out your enemy’s nations and govts in the same day. And then I will have the final say says the Lord Your Redeemer.

Then I also heard…Victor, this name will be in your news for a shocking reason.

The Biden Crime Family will completely be exposed and brought down. The Biden’s mask will be removed and everything he truly was a part of.

Ukraine will be brought to nothing and their govt will collapse and the people of that nation will be freed from the bondages of their control.

My children hold on for what the next year brings. It’s good for you and bad for your enemies who are against you says the Lord.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-12-09 08:01:44

You will see how you are no longer barely surviving but you’ll be thriving because I am the Lord God of Abundance and More than Enough.

Right now you see how bad things are financially across the world. But wait until you see what I do to your enemy’s economy: their interest rates, their inflation, and their taxation. Just watch how things begin to turn around for your good.

My children expect more from Me and receive more of My glory and manifest in your life and through you. 2025 – you will start to see My hand drive out your enemies from your lands. In 2025, the United States will come more alive because it will be reborn. It will start to be the nation it was meant to be. There will also be a cleansing of the nations and govts but there will also be a cleansing of My church right along with it.

In 2025 a great shift politically, a great shift spiritually. My children receive what I have for you in this year and every year moving forward with Me.

You will see in 2025 the greater exodus and you will understand why I’ve been preparing for you it for so long. So hold on because everything’s about to change says the Lord of Hosts.
In 2025 you will start to see the big lie of 2020 be destroyed. You will see pardons annihilated and you will see how many people are really in your govt who paid for the seats they had stolen.

You will start to see judges being removed and disbarred. You will see also the beginning stages of the IRS be reconstructed. You will see what it was really meant to be when it was part of the Republic and not a part of the Corporation. You will see the liars and imposters be exposed. You will see a crime syndicate in your capital collapse once and for all. You will see the hidden dark secrets of the Establishment come out and tear them apart. You will see fake Presidents be exposed. You will see your enemies in a way you’ve never seen them before. You will see their wars cease for a time.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-12-09 08:01:13


[Word heard – Dec 4, 2024]

For I the Lord this day am telling you My children 2025 is a year to THRIVE. It is the year for My church to COME ALIVE. A shift of power, a shift of the 7 mountains of influence from the hands of the wicked to My church.

This year there’ll be a great shift politically. Many govts will begin to fall who are against Me. A great economic shift will start to take place because this is the hour where I’ll completely destroy your enemy’s source of power against you.

In this year you will see GIANTS FALL. You will see their global govt and all their entities begin to be wiped out. You will see a great change in this nation of justice being served. You will see more major players fall to the crimes and corruption they’ve been a part of. You will start to see the real truth of your election system. You will start to see how many people really don’t belong in your govt. You will see an exodus out of your capital and not by their own choice. You will see where billions and trillions of dollars and how it was laundered through your govt, for themselves, their entities and to your foreign enemies. You will see a great fight from your enemies to try to stop all of this from taking place, but you will see them stumble and fall away.

In 2025, My Word will come alive in you My children. For the great wake-up call is here and a great awakening is taking place. You will see not only My Word come alive in your lives, but you will see more of My Word and My Promises come alive in this earth like never before. You’ll experience a great restoration of things you have been hoping and believing for.
北美zhyj_100 發表評論於 2024-12-09 07:58:43
心無所住 發表評論於 2024-12-09 07:54:00
知我是誰 發表評論於 2024-12-09 07:43:37
照妖鏡007 發表評論於 2024-12-09 07:37:27
bigcatf4 發表評論於 2024-12-09 07:36:56
luren_1970 發表評論於 2024-12-09 04:18:08老川說: 你丫等著,我上台就弄死你


Newcomerdude 發表評論於 2024-12-09 07:36:38
老李子 發表評論於 2024-12-09 07:26:14

alextelltale 發表評論於 2024-12-09 06:44:00
格利 發表評論於 2024-12-09 06:43:37
百家爭鳴2012 發表評論於 2024-12-09 06:37:43

心無所住 發表評論於 2024-12-09 06:15:00
Ddco2021 發表評論於 2024-12-09 06:06:00
Capitaltwo 發表評論於 2024-12-09 06:04:00
亞洲食肉動物 發表評論於 2024-12-09 05:28:00
學習組 發表評論於 2024-12-09 05:27:10

亞洲食肉動物 發表評論於 2024-12-09 05:27:00
競選 發表評論於 2024-12-09 05:25:01
玻璃坊 發表評論於 2024-12-09 04:21:25
luren_1970 發表評論於 2024-12-09 04:18:08
老川說: 你丫等著,我上台就弄死你





習大大:唉,要不然俺先自己去見毛爺爺吧。 文學城有個反賊說俺活不過六個月,掐指一算,快了。
moremoney 發表評論於 2024-12-09 04:13:44

worley 發表評論於 2024-12-09 03:58:56
Daliandalian 發表評論於 2024-12-09 03:56:00
dadaxi2 發表評論於 2024-12-09 02:56:00
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