J. Ann Selzer is an American political pollster who is the president of the Des Moines, Iowa-based polling firm Selzer & Company, which she founded in 1996. Her polls of Iowa voters have a reputation for being highly accurate, based on their performance in major elections from 2008 through 2020. She has been described as "the best pollster in politics" by Clare Malone of FiveThirtyEight, which also gives Selzer & Company a rare A+ grade for accuracy.
Emerson College 2016年就預測錯了。它的polling, 預測的是希拉裏會壓倒性的贏川普。
Emerson College Polling is predicting an Electoral College landslide for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
Emerson College predicts Clinton will win the Electoral College, 323 to 215.
Emerson College Polling在美國被視為一家具有相當準確性的民調機構。根據FiveThirtyEight的評估,Emerson College Polling的準確性評級為2.9分(滿分為4分),在273項分析的民調中,平均誤差為1.1個百分點。 (FiveThirtyEight Projects)此外,Media Bias/Fact Check也將其評為高準確性,並指出其民調結果略微偏向左翼,但總體上被視為公正且可靠。 (Media Bias Fact Check)因此,Emerson College Polling的民調結果在業界被廣泛認可,具有較高的可信度。
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2024-11-02 18:28:33
這個由J·安·塞爾澤 (J. Ann Selzer) 主持的民調比較受重視,因為她的民調,隻有2018年的州長選舉失誤。
Selzer’s track record in Iowa is nearly spotless, with only a miss in the 2018 gubernatorial contest. She nailed the GOP’s margin of victory in the 2022 Senate race, the 2020 presidential race, 2016 presidential race and 2014 Senate race and the margin of President Barack Obama’s victory in the state in 2012. Often, her results broke from the polling consensus and turned out to be correct.
Aha, now it gets even better. 整個social media都在瘋傳川普周五在威斯康辛州拉票時在台上模擬bj的行為。很顯然川普有精神病,需要去看醫生而不是競選總統。當然,MAGA教的人會一如既往的替他洗地,所以說這個是邪教。哈哈哈。
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2024-11-02 17:35:49
The poll, sponsored by the Des Moines Register and conducted by J. Ann Selzer, nailed the final results of the presidential race in Iowa in both 2016 and 2020. While Iowa is no longer considered a swing state and rewards only six electoral voters, the Register survey remains closely watched as an indicator of how white voters across the Midwest may vote.
這項由《得梅因紀事報》讚助、J·安·塞爾澤 (J. Ann Selzer) 主持的民意調查確定了愛荷華州 2016 年和 2020 年總統競選的最終結果。雖然愛荷華州不再被視為搖擺州,並且隻有六張選舉人票,但作為中西部白人選民如何投票的指標,此項民調仍然受到密切關注。
Shock Iowa Poll Shows Harris With Lead Over Trump
The highly respected Des Moines Register poll showed Harris leading Trump 47% to 44%. It is an outlier compared to other polling results in the state.
It's going to be a landslide victory for Harris!
Harris is going to smoke Trump into oblivion!
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2024-11-02 16:39:19
這個Nick Fuentes 的很多支持者,參與了2021年1月6日的暴亂。他對川普態度的改變,是因為最近川普在一次采訪中說漏嘴,說2020年,拜登以微弱的優勢,擊敗了他。
"He beat us by a whisker. It was a terrible thing," (“他以微弱優勢擊敗了我們。這是一件可怕的事情,”)Trump said of President Joe Biden during a 45 minute interview Aug. 4 with podcaster Lex Fridman. He used similar language at an Aug. 30 Moms for Liberty summit and an Aug. 23 press event at the Southern border.
川普這樣說漏罪,承認2020他輸了選舉,引起支持他的白人種族主義組織領袖Nick Fuentes的強烈批評。Nick Fuentes說,他會號召他的支持者,不投川普的票,因為那麽多人受川普煽動參加1月6日暴亂,為了他坐牢,被起訴判刑,而他目前承認他確實輸了選舉。 (其實1月6日還有因為川普而喪命的)
White nationalist Nick Fuentes blasted Trump Sept. 4 for admitting that he lost the 2020 election, and said that he will work to get voters not to back Trump.
"So, why did we do Stop the Steal? Why did did anyone go to Jan. 6? Why did any one go to jail? ... It would have been good to know that before 1,600 people got charged,"“那麽,我們為什麽要做“停止盜竊”?為什麽有人去 1 月 6 日?為什麽有人進監獄?……如果在 1,600 人受到指控之前知道這一點就好了,” Fuentes said on his podcast, referring to the criminal charges for those who invaded and ransacked the Capitol. "It would’ve been good to know that before (I) had all my money frozen, put on a no-fly list, banned from everything, lost all my bank and payment processing.”
藍天大地 發表評論於 2024-11-02 16:00:06A must see video. Nick Fuentes, according to Wikipedia, is an American far-right political pundit and live streamer who promotes white supremacist, misogynistic, and antisemitic views. 這是他今天對川普的評論:
A must see video. Nick Fuentes, according to Wikipedia, is an American far-right political pundit and live streamer who promotes white supremacist, misogynistic, and antisemitic views. 這是他今天對川普的評論:
White nationalist and early 2016 Trump supporter Nick Fuentes says he recently realized “Trumpism is a cult.” “Liberals are right….I think we have a problem,” he said, taking aim at Don Jr. and others for dressing up as trash.
Harris is going to smoke Trump into OBLIVION, count on it!!
-- 大部分女性會選哈裏斯
-- 民主黨中95%的人會投哈裏斯
-- 共和黨中12-20%會投哈裏斯(尤其是建製派以及Haley的選民)
-- 無黨派和獨立選民65-70%會投哈裏斯。
周二以後MAGA教就會像其它邪教一樣美國曆史上退出了。The MAGA movement will be bookended after next week!
Harris is going to take PA, WI, MI, and possibly flip NC!
It's going to be a LANDSLIDE victory for Harris. Mark my words!
賓州豬黨大本營費城今年的郵寄選票比威斯康辛還慘:Philadelphia has the most voters (1.1 million) and the most ballots returned (162,401) in the state, but has a turnout rate so far of just 15%. 相反,費城周邊好幾個剛剛轉紅的縣,比如Bucks之類,投票率高得多。CNN還有臉站出來說哈三的民調被低估,這分明是被極度高估了。
二、川普總統將確保公共安全,恢複法律和秩序。相比之下,卡瑪拉·哈裏斯(Kamala Harris)支持削減警察經費。並在加州支持49法案,導致零元購、搶劫等犯罪活動猖獗。