評論: 賀錦麗豬隊友+1?前總統克林頓:川普經濟表現更好

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秋林小屋 發表評論於 2024-11-01 03:02:00
Eastgate 發表評論於 2024-10-31 20:43:06
人在旅途2024 發表評論於 2024-10-31 20:42:28
Propro1 發表評論於 2024-10-31 18:44:13 希拉裏心說:論學曆,老娘耶魯法學院畢業,你錦雞啥破垃圾學校;論出身,老娘正經正黃旗;論人品論能力,老娘哪個不甩你錦雞800條街;就連睡,老娘名正言順睡的是正經八百的總統,你丫名不正言不順睡一黑老頭市長。憑啥你就能選上???


人在旅途2024 發表評論於 2024-10-31 20:37:28

Propro1 發表評論於 2024-10-31 18:44:13
沒事逛逛88 發表評論於 2024-10-31 14:23:11
lavenderlake 發表評論於 2024-10-31 09:52:30民以食為天,為什麽不能因為trump時經濟更好而選他?沒有一個候選人會100之100地達到每個選民的要求,隻能看什麽對你最重要了。我覺得經濟和治安對我最重要,所以我選trump。
+1000 對普通老百姓來說,啥最重要?一個是人身安全,一個是口袋裏的錢
沒事逛逛88 發表評論於 2024-10-31 14:21:17
nianfi 發表評論於 2024-10-31 14:19:04
GeorgeInCA 發表評論於 2024-10-31 13:54:00
bpc2001 發表評論於 2024-10-31 13:48:05
thinredline 發表評論於 2024-10-31 12:26:17
Horologiarius 發表評論於 2024-10-31 12:23:58
A petty cheap shot from newsmax
Horologiarius 發表評論於 2024-10-31 12:23:16
"I don't think it's right to say that people have to vote for Donald Trump because the economy was better then," Clinton said in a speech Wednesday in Muskegon Heights, Michigan.

Clinton said the economy was already "roaring" when Trump got elected in 2016, thanks to the policies from former President Barack Obama's second term.
Horologiarius 發表評論於 2024-10-31 12:21:38
“If you want a horn-tooter you have gotta have Trump,” Clinton said of Trump’s self-aggrandizement. “He's the best horn-tooter I've ever seen. And I've known him a long time.”

Clinton said Trump takes credit for positive economic performance during his four years in office, without taking responsibility for the problems he created during the COVID pandemic. He said Trump is blaming Biden for inflation that was caused by factors that include pandemic supply disruptions — while not giving Biden credit for bringing inflation back down, particularly on energy prices.

“It's the first time since the ’50s when we produce more energy of all kinds than we consume,” he said. “And finally the price of oil is coming down.”
居家凡人 發表評論於 2024-10-31 11:52:53
Daliandalian 發表評論於 2024-10-31 11:43:00
size0 發表評論於 2024-10-31 11:23:07
herlion 發表評論於 2024-10-31 10:58:07
"It's economy, you stupid!" -- by Bill Clinton 1992
Jhu11463 發表評論於 2024-10-31 10:49:29
藍靛廠 發表評論於 2024-10-31 10:28:18
xyz18 發表評論於 2024-10-31 10:41:07
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-31 10:35:11
Part 2
Many of My children continuously are crying out to Me, Lord why is it taking so long? I don’t understand? Why the enemy is able to cause so much destruction and so much chaos? My children these are the same cries and same questions, My children in the land of Goshen had for Me.

You see how that turned out for your enemies. You may not understand everything that I’m doing or how I’m doing it but this is where your faith much come in to trust that I will do what I said I will do. No matter if you see it fully or understand it right now. I’m asking you children of Almighty God to use your faith at this time and to trust Me that I am still the same God - no matter what enemies you’re up against. They will never be successful against Me. I have given you this ability to stand and fight back so use it in this time says the Lord.

A coffin has been hidden in your capital, in the House you call White. I told you skeletons in their closets were all coming out. There have been many things that have been hidden in your White House that will be revealed. I told you your enemies are turning on each other and there are some in that House that will sing like canaries and they will reveal what has been going on with the Biden and Kamala.

Many presidential secrets will come out as My David returns to the seat of the President. I told you about a book of secrets, laptops and servers that have all been uncovered and it will be the nail in the coffin of the Establishment.

A wave is coming of truth, of proof, of My Glory and My power against your enemies, that will annihilate their existence in your nation. Continue to pray down their power, their plans and their ability to continue to finance their destruction against your freedoms.

My children trust in Me and not what you’re about to see. You will see more and more of your enemy’s desperate attempts against you. You will see more of them turn on their own. You will see many leave their own party. You’ll see the MSM be dissolved and real journalists and truth-tellers take over the news outlets. You will see the 3-letter agencies be cleaned out of the rats and the snakes. You will see the Pentagon to be wiped of the treasonous traitors that are inside.
You are at a time O My United States when your landscape of this nation will abruptly change. Every system will be reset on how it was intended to be. This is a time you fight the good fight of faith where you will hold onto MY words and where they will set you completely free. It is now time for your enemy’s version of this nation to die. And where My nation will rise from the ashes and be stronger than it ever has been. With My glory filling it and My Words going forth even out of your capital and it will not only bring complete freedom and restoration of this nation but many all over the world.

This is a time of My reset. So begin to celebrate because the time of the Great Exodus is here says the Lord Your Redeemer.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-31 10:33:34
rumble. com/v5kv1rn-live-with-julie.html?start=276

[Word heard – October 27, 2024]

For I the Lord this day am telling you My children it’s about to get messy for your enemies when their lies come out in the open and there is nothing safe for them to hide behind – no protection, there’s no amount of denying any allegations against them when they’ve been caught red-handed and their next moves against the election, My David and along with this nation, they will regret. Many think they are doing a sneak attack against this nation, sneaking and slithering in the darkness to create the outcome they so desire. Not this time. No matter how things seem, KNOW YOUR ENEMIES ARE NOT GETTING THE SEAT OF THE PRESIDENT BACK AND THEY WILL NOT REMAIN IN THE WHITE HOUSE. THEY WILL NOT REMAIN IN YOUR CAPITAL AND IN ANY GOVERNMENTAL BUILDING BECAUSE I THE LORD AM CLEANING HOUSE OF THE WOLVES AND THE SNAKES THAT HAVE BEEN CONTROLLING THIS NATION.

Some of the most dominate and prominent politicians will fall like Pharoah, fall like Goliath. They will fall like every enemy that has been against My people. No enemy can stand against Me says the Lord of Hosts.

A rat’s nest and a den of snakes will be uncovered in Hollywood. Many things hidden in this area will also be revealed. Many crimes had been committed in Silicon Valley, in Hollywood, manipulating and stealing along with crimes so heinous, it’ll be hard for many people to hear. They have helped enslave the people of California and this nation. Many actors are playing parts of many in your govt.
I told you repeatedly things are not how they seem in Washington. And that’s connected to many in California, helping to pull off this charade you see before you.

Long term and lifelong politicians are about to be unmasked and who they really are. My children what you will hear and what you’ll see regarding truth and proof with everything they have done will shock you how far back in your nation’s history when this all began. I’ll prove to you how many elections were stolen and how many laws were passed against you, how many bills were passed with so much crime being committed with each one. I told you taxes have been a lie and with them stealing it from you has financed their govt and your foreign enemies who are against you. This nation has been under a demonic chokehold for most of its existence – just hidden away for years and it took much time for all they had planned to play out right in front of you today. I will show you every architect and billionaire elite that has been really running this nation. It was not a President, even though it appeared that way. It has been this foreign machine of the Deep Sate. As you can see it with the puppets that are residents in your White House.

It's obvious they’re not the ones making decisions. I told you I would pull the curtains back and allow you to see who they really are. They are a joke. They’re all paid to suppress you and to silence you. Don’t you see by now this is a fight of good vs evil. This is not just a political battle you are up against. I’ve allowed you to see much for this time because many were not able to handle the truth. They were still blindsided by deception.
藍靛廠 發表評論於 2024-10-31 10:28:18
gamlastan 發表評論於 2024-10-31 10:16:01
拾麥客 發表評論於 2024-10-31 10:13:31
侃-侃 發表評論於 2024-10-31 10:12:28

何德何能,當得起第一位美國女總統?Oops, 政治正確不能提“男/女”。那麽應該是算第二位黑總統還是算第一位印總統?有點費思量。
gamlastan 發表評論於 2024-10-31 10:12:01
不是豬隊友,是攪局的。喜婆子哪能看上這麽一個山寨law school畢業的差等生,柯林頓啞著嗓子出來幫倒忙。
牛頭5 發表評論於 2024-10-31 10:05:49
TXZS 發表評論於 2024-10-31 10:04:27
東方明月- 發表評論於 2024-10-31 09:57:55



ca_lowhand 發表評論於 2024-10-31 09:55:00
lavenderlake 發表評論於 2024-10-31 09:52:30

北美小鎮 發表評論於 2024-10-31 09:49:23
Propro1 發表評論於 2024-10-31 09:45:00
北京_01link 發表評論於 2024-10-31 09:44:19
河中石 發表評論於 2024-10-31 09:44:00
Longlivetruth 發表評論於 2024-10-31 09:41:28
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