這可是來自左媒CNN的報道: ”Big Tech CEOs are calling Trump, seeking to rekindle their relationship with the former president ahead of Election Day"
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2024-10-29 08:50:41
我們看看這個Bhistory 網友提到的realrawnews*** 提到的逮捕3個紐約陪審員的報道。這個網站散布深層國家和匿名者Q陰謀論。 文章提到的執行逮捕的“白帽子” 以及“Eric M. Smith將軍辦公室”,都是虛擬的。 居然有人真把這當作新聞。
White Hats Arrest Three of the Twelve Deep State Jurors Who Unlawfully Found President Trump Guilty
White Hats over the weekend located and arrested three of the twelve Deep State jurors who unlawfully found President Donald J. Trump guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
The trio—two men and a woman—were known Democrat operatives whose now-deleted social media pages were at one time filled with vitriolic anti-Trump posts and had contributed financially to Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. The female, our source said, had ties to ANTIFA, having attended their rallies in several states between 2016-2018. She was also apparently a wizard; the day after Trump’s conviction, two million dollars magically materialized in her Bank of America savings account, transferred there from, White Hats say, an offshore slush fund where the Deep State hoards cash from illicit narcotic sales.
Our source wouldn’t say whether White Hats knew about the trio’s Deep State allegiance before the May 30 verdict or speculate how their loyalties escaped the attention of Trump’s legal armada, instead alluding to a circuitous plan.
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2024-10-29 08:43:28
樓下的網友真是陷入陰謀論不能自拔了。現實和幻覺分不清。 讓人笑掉大牙。紐約的3個陪審員被“白帽子”逮捕了? 關在關塔那摩灣監獄? 紐約檢察廳的Susan Hoffinger正在Gitmo交代? 有這樣的新聞,還有人證物證?那可是驚天新聞,為啥福克斯電台不報道?川普的競選班子,川普本人也不提? 什麽樣的人才會相信這樣的陰謀論? 樓下引用的新聞來源, realrawnews. com 是一個專門製作假新聞的網站,動輒散布某某公眾人物被逮捕了,被處決了。 過去它散布的被逮捕的公眾人物有: Deborah Birx, Nancy Pelosi and Janet Yellen, 被“處決”的人物有:Hillary Clinton, James Comey and Tom Hanks. The website has also promoted the deep state conspiracy theory.[
Real Raw News is an American fake news website created in April 2020.[1] Many of its published stories include misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines,[2][3][4] fictional arrests[5][6][3] and supposed executions of public figures.[1][3]
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-28 15:38:31
realrawnews. com/2024/06/white-hats-arrest-three-of-the-twelve-deep-state-jurors-who-unlawfully-found-president-trump-guilty/
紐約的追溯期輕罪兩年,重罪5年 見過過了法律追訴期,繼續起訴的麽?注意E. Jean Carroll 性騷擾案,原告說發生於1996年春,並展示自己當時穿黑色羊毛裙的照片,但那個裙子Donna Karan blazer dress1996年並未被設計出來,是後來的產品。
蘇聯大清洗,曾殺掉了5個元帥中3個,15位集團軍司令中的13位、9位海軍上將中的8位、57位軍長中的50位、186位師長中的154位、全部16位陸軍政治委員、28位軍政治委員中的25位,都是被審理後,有明確的罪名,作為罪犯處決的。貝利亞不是說,give me the man, I wil find his crime麽