評論: 大選16天燒錢5億 馬斯克已給特朗普投了1.19億美元

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Mia2022 發表評論於 2024-10-25 21:15:00
There are folks who can’t afford to have a house or put food on the table , meanwhile these two are spending like there is no tomorrow! politics shouldn’t be like this, there should be a law caps on campaign spending! what a waste! this is why I don’t do any donations for any politician! I’m not giving away my hard earned money to any of these politicians, they don’t really care about us, if you think they do, you are dreaming!
Lotus980 發表評論於 2024-10-25 17:58:12
FIT 發表評論於 2024-10-25 13:29:12
所以說獨裁是毒藥, 民主就是裹著糖的毒藥。
河套老鄉 發表評論於 2024-10-25 12:06:33
馬斯克 Musk 用巨款公然幹涉米大選,
Educator 發表評論於 2024-10-25 10:45:34
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2024-10-25 10:42:53
更正: 但克裏姆林宮發言人否認普京經常和馬斯克聯係
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2024-10-25 10:05:29
但克裏姆林宮發言人確認,普京經常和馬斯克聯係。 馬斯克從國防部拿了大量承包合同,涉及高度機密,人們有理由對此表示擔憂。

Elon Musk, the world's richest man and a top U.S. defense contractor with a security clearance, "has been in regular contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin since late 2022," The Wall Street Journal said Thursday, citing "several current and former U.S., European and Russian officials." The conversations coincided with Musk "stepping up his criticism" of U.S. military aid to Ukraine, allowing "Russia's use of X for disinformation," and increasing his involvement in Donald Trump's presidential campaign, the Journal said.

Musk did not respond to the Journal's request for comment, but Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov denied that Putin was in regular contact with Musk.

藍靛廠 發表評論於 2024-10-25 09:27:01
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2024-10-25 08:44:12
___1984___ 發表評論於 2024-10-25 10:00:14
樹沒皮怎辦 指的是報道,和你們傳小道消息完全不同。
藍靛廠 發表評論於 2024-10-25 09:27:01
藍靛廠 發表評論於 2024-10-25 09:27:01
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2024-10-25 08:44:12
牛頭5 發表評論於 2024-10-25 09:25:26
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2024-10-25 08:44:12
華爾街時報昨天披露, 在2022年以來,馬斯克一直和普京和普京的助理秘密通話。


川普幫:包括川普本人,馬斯克,最近投靠川普的那個夏威夷議員tulsi gabbard, 小羅伯特,弗林,馬納福特,朱利安尼,都是和俄羅斯有勾結,有商業利益,或者替俄羅斯宣傳。

herlion 發表評論於 2024-10-25 08:30:50
藍靛廠 發表評論於 2024-10-25 08:18:03
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