2)原文:“ 他經常在網上與密歇根州州務卿喬斯林·本森 (Jocelyn Benson)爭執不休。最近,兩人因馬斯克聲稱密歇根州的登記選民人數多於有資格投票的人數而發生爭執。本森說,馬斯克的統計數字包括了那些將被剔除的不活躍選民。周二,一名聯邦法官駁回了共和黨全國委員會提起的訴訟,該訴訟稱該州的選民名單存在問題”。
a. 根據原文馬斯克說的是對的。
b. 為什麽還有十幾天就選舉了,至今還有多至120萬不活躍選民沒被剔除?如果共和黨不提告,這些會被剔除嗎?20年大選密州基本沒剔除,投票率都高到讓人不可信的高度,甚至個別地區選票多於登記選民數。大家還記得吧?
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-24 08:11:01
Media = Vitual reality (each article created by money behind it)
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-24 08:09:08
Something significant will take place in Virginia that will shock this nation.
Intel leaks are about to be revealed on a major scale. Your own govt has been feeding your enemies for years and it’s all about to come out in the open.
Whitewater…this word will be in your news and everything hidden is about to explode everywhere. All your enemy’s crimes they have buried are about to come to the surface.
Secret files, classified documents and redacted information it’s all coming like a freight train barrelling down the tracks with no way of stopping it. My children get ready for a scandal after scandal and corruption to be uncovered like never before. Unprecedented secrets are coming out to release you out of the hands of the oppressors and it will bring them to nothing says the Lord Your Redeemer.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-24 08:07:53
Things will seem one way when they are not that way at all. My children your enemies have plans to stage things that are a lie. Don’t fall for their traps and their tricks. They will try their own insurrection in a major way. They will try anything they can to stop My nation from moving forward.
Pray over your House and your Senate seats. Your enemies have plans to steal and control both to hold My David off of what he could truly do against them. But their plan of election interference and election fraud will implode because there’s a tsunami wave coming that will annihilate any wall they can put up to keep My David from having that White House. The plans and strategies of your enemies will disintegrate with one move of My hand to protect this land says the Lord.
Chuck Schumer and many Establishment leaders are about to eat Humble Pie you would say, once they realize all their plans just imploded in front of their face. They won’t have another plan to fall back on without taking steps they never wanted to take which would cause a political suicide, but they will take them anyway out of the desperate attempts they will try and make more will be removed including every election that was stolen for those specific seats.
I’ll remind you My children not just to pray over the presidential seat. You need to pray over every state and federal seat. Because if your enemies can’t win one way they’ll try others. Every seat they attempt to steal, it will be thrown out and a new election will take place for some and others it will be given to the ones that it belongs to.
My children a great political shift is taking place that you are seeing but it’s not without a shaking. It’s not without a fight. It’s not without it looker darker. Stand strong on My Words. You were born for this time. You were born for this fight and this battle to win it because the Battle is the Lord’s and this battle has been won says the Lord of Hosts.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-24 08:04:36
rumble. com/v5jx7ad-live-with-julie.html?start=494
The Biden and Obama Regimes are Imploding
[Word heard – October 23, 2024]
My children for I the Lord am disintegrating your enemies blue wall. I am bringing down any wall, any establishment stronghold, any agency, any govt secret, the wall of corruption with their so-called judicial system that kept the truth at bay from destroying their plans. I told you a flood was coming – a flood of truth that will knock down any structure that once protected your enemies in keeping them in Washington and leading this nation against Me.
Their campaign and every strategy are collapsing. The Biden and Obama’s regimes are imploding. Many are running from the sinking ship of the Establishment before it’s too late. Many are running toward My David for rescue from possible political death or prison sentence. So many in the Establishment are squealing like pigs you would say against the ones in Washington in hopes to save their careers or their lives.
My children this has only just begun of the fall of every politician against Me. Great falls and great surrenders are taking place. Just watch how many of them will make it more visible after the election is over, realizing they have no hope of survival without changing sides. Some political leaders will never give up their positions without a fight and some to the death because they’d rather die than to surrender to Me or My David. This war against My nation will soon intensify once your enemies see what will take place even before the election day that shows them there is no pathway to win. Their desperation will continue to grow and they will do more against My David, but they will do more against you also.
My United States you will see riots. You will see tensions rise. You will see tempers flare and unrest. They will try to sabotage the markets and blame My David for it. They will try more viruses or more chaos to cause more disruptions to continue the corruption. But remember who I am. I am the Alpha, the Omega, the beginning and the end. And I am the end to all their plans says the Lord.
My children, your enemy’s warfare will pick up but My hand will devour their attempts against you in this nation. The world will see that I am still the Defender of this nation and your enemies are about to lose full control over it says the Lord of Hosts.
Tactical gear…this will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Storm the Capital…this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. There’s a set up that will take place.
印尼基本國情是:選民2.05億人,1.7萬個島,東西長5 5 00多公裏。選民和美國差不多;交通是在由1.7萬個島嶼組成的,長5500公裏的國土內水陸交錯而行;氣候高溫潮濕;除選正副總統外還要從25萬人中選出2萬人,選舉人數龐大。但是印尼采用了1)當場合對身份,2)紙質選票,3)人工計票,4)6小時內完成投票,5)24小時內數出結果。