一萬這個數字怎麽來的??The population of Logansport has increased by 30 per cent since 2021 following a wave of migrants, Chris Martin, the city's mayor, told the Pharos-Tribune. That would put the number of migrants arriving at more than 5,000, in a county that had a population of just 18,000 people in 2020, according to census data. 5000也很多,有什麽必要再加倍啊?
誰想找抽1 發表評論於 2024-10-21 17:42:53
Logansport, IN & Springfield, OH的移民都是川普拍板決定
they saw two major waves of Haitian immigrants to Springfield in recent years. The first was in 2021, the year Haiti’s president was assassinated. The second was in 2023.
小毛er 發表評論於 2024-10-21 17:43:49
誰想找抽1 發表評論於 2024-10-21 17:42:53
Logansport, IN & Springfield, OH的移民都是川普拍板決定,州長為了幫各地解決人口流失和經濟衰退,向川普求救,巨嬰大筆一揮就送了幾千人,是不是坐飛機不知道,估計這些破爛地方連機場都沒有。這些海地人都沒有投票權,而且沒有綠卡和公民的可能,隻是臨時簽證,什麽紅州變藍陰謀純屬造謠。當初這些地方的配套公共設施根本不到位,川普又不肯投資花錢,現在反而倒打一耙,把自己的爛攤子造謠成拜登的“政績”,真是無恥無下限。看來一加入川教,川粉連辨別是非的能力都喪失,還搖頭擺腦的替川普傳謠。
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said businesses in the area are grateful to have the help of a growing labor force.
“Ohio is on the move, and Springfield has really made a great resurgence with a lot of companies coming in. These Haitians came in to work for these companies,” he told ABC on Sunday. “What the companies tell us is that they are very good workers. They’re very happy to have them there, and frankly, that’s helped the economy.”