誰說我不提支持非法移民的人一樣會把父母接到美國來?他們當然也會。我認為所有的華人,支持或不支持川普,都不能在父母偷稅漏稅的情況下讓他們享受美國福利!!!我支持所有的人接父母來,我反對所有的人知法犯法!自己都知法犯法的情況下,你有什麽資格罵非法移民?Now, does that make you feel better? Let me repeat, 我不支持任何人知法犯法。
Now,既然你不覺得川普的話沒有什麽不好,那我就再重複他的話(記住,不是我的話哦):Now get off the couch you fat pigs, and go vote for me。
Q: Will you reach out to Nikki Haley to try to get some of her voters?
Trump: yeah…Nikki Haley & I fought and I beat her by 50, 60, 90 points. I beat her in her own state by numbers that nobody's ever been beaten by. I beat Nikki badly
Trump’s inspiring message to voters 18 days before the election:
Get your fat husband off the couch. get that fat pig off the couch and tell him to vote for Trump. Get him up Jill, slap him around, get him up, get them up, Jill. We want them off the couch。
Law and Order!