But other allegations -- indiscriminate mass murder, rape camps, crematoriums, mutilation of the dead -- haven't been borne out in the six months since NATO troops entered Kosovo. Ethnic-Albanian militants, humanitarian organizations, NATO and the news media fed off each other to give genocide rumors credibility. Now, a different picture is emerging.
"Rwanda was a true genocide. Kosovo was ethnic cleansing light," says Emilio Perez Pujol, a Spanish pathologist who exhumed bodies after both conflicts. In his sector of western Kosovo, he says, the United Nations told him to expect as many as 2,000 victims. His team found 187 corpses, none of which showed evidence to confirm local accounts of mutilations.
大蝦又來祥林嫂了。 沒有美帝掃平伊拉克, 海灣戰爭早就爆發了。 沒有轟炸南聯盟, 波斯尼亞就會增加無數的萬人坑。
在本城 信了普世,要是不無知,那太陽就從西邊出來了!!!!Again,咱的總結一不小心就成了放之本城而皆準,顛撲不破的規律了?這咋整的?
“ 沒有美帝掃平伊拉克, 海灣戰爭早就爆發了”?啥意思。您是說海灣戰爭沒爆發?第二次海灣戰爭恰恰是普世老大用大規模殺傷性武器的謊言發動的。造成伊拉克數以十萬計的人民無辜死亡,數百萬人淪落為難民。您以為歐洲上千萬難民哪來的。他們的家都被帝國主義侵略摧毀了。正確的表述是沒有普世老大的帝國主義侵略,伊拉克就不多出這數以十萬計的亡靈,數以百萬計的難民。隻有慘無人道的帝國主義者才以此為榮。事實勝於雄辯!!!!!
“ 沒有轟炸南聯盟”?那就少了幾千亡靈,塞爾維亞不會被炸回幾十年。Again,隻有慘無人道的帝國主義者才以此為榮。至於所謂“科索沃的種族滅絕”事後證明,完全是普世們編造的徹頭徹尾的謊言(as always)。btw,教您一個乖,“如果”從來不能證明任何事情,至少在法庭上!在無知的普世信徒那裏或許可以。因為教育水準所限嘛!
但自北約部隊進入科索沃以來的六個月裏,其他指控——不分青紅皂白的大屠殺、強奸營、火葬場、肢解死者——尚未得到證實。 民族-阿爾巴尼亞武裝分子、人道主義組織、北約和新聞媒體相互支持,為種族滅絕謠言提供可信度。 現在,一幅不同的畫麵正在浮現。
“盧旺達是一場真正的種族滅絕。科索沃是種族清洗之光,”在兩次衝突後挖掘屍體的西班牙病理學家埃米利奧·佩雷斯·普約爾 (Emilio Perez Pujol) 說。 他說,在他所在的科索沃西部地區,聯合國告訴他預計將有多達 2,000 名受害者。 他的團隊發現了 187 具屍體,沒有一具能證明當地人對肢解的說法。
But other allegations -- indiscriminate mass murder, rape camps, crematoriums, mutilation of the dead -- haven't been borne out in the six months since NATO troops entered Kosovo. Ethnic-Albanian militants, humanitarian organizations, NATO and the news media fed off each other to give genocide rumors credibility. Now, a different picture is emerging.
"Rwanda was a true genocide. Kosovo was ethnic cleansing light," says Emilio Perez Pujol, a Spanish pathologist who exhumed bodies after both conflicts. In his sector of western Kosovo, he says, the United Nations told him to expect as many as 2,000 victims. His team found 187 corpses, none of which showed evidence to confirm local accounts of mutilations.