-- 川普在賓州的拉票晚會上,在兩個人暈倒之後。“Would anybody else like to faint? Please raise your hand” After two people fainted at his town hall due to the heat, Trump decided to make jokes. Sociopath much?
-- Former Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull: “When you see Trump with Putin, as I have on a few occasions, he’s like the 12-year-old boy that goes to high school and meets the captain of the football team. ‘My hero!’ It’s really creepy…the creepiness was palpable”
-- Trump:When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his subsidized projects, whether it's electric cars that don't drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he'd be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and a Republican, I could have said, "drop to your knees and beg," and he would have done it......
川普偽造商業文書 34 項- 是被認證的
川普和AV女星上床 -是被認證的
川普付封口費要人閉嘴 -是被認證的
川普說謊說他不知道付了封口費 -是假的
川普說我沒和那個女的上床 - 你信麽?(給她13萬鎂是給開心的麽?)
而且不但一個Stormy Daniels - 現在我們知道還有第二個(Karen McDougal) -
川普和這兩位女星上床時,他老婆還在懷他的小兒子呐 (就是那個Barron Trump)
還有2023年被陪審團認證的:性侵女作家E. Jean Carroll ,被罰$500萬鎂。
川普他本人詐欺被告已經好幾次了,不折不扣的累犯 -
此外大規模的說謊如"大選被偷"雲雲 - 完全是假的。(Fox News 報導這種假消息,被告!賠了$7.8億鎂,割肉求生。他的(前)律師朱利安尼發表"選票被換"這種假消息,也被告到破產)