再補充幾句:當時現場確實比較混亂,但一個基本事實是,人實在太多,10萬人在同一時間湧出,而且隻有一個小門出入,導致很多人爬欄杆。這是本人第一次在美國看見這麽多人爬欄杆。確實也有很多人走回去,但車子一直在開,絕對不少於20輛。請有心人計算一下,運走10萬人,即使是5萬人,需要多少車次!更基本的事實是,整體秩序很好,沒有出現在其他國家非常有可能出現的踩踏。身邊至少看到3個人倒下,旁邊的人大聲喊Medi,Medi,居然醫護人員都來了,還有特警在旁邊守護 。車有紅黃綠三色,紅的最多,我們帶的是紅手帶,幸運上車了,發現很多黃帶綠帶的人也上紅車,很多人站著,車上一片歡聲笑語,很多人都在談論特朗普,"He is so funny!"諸如此類。後來到了德州牛排館吃夜宵,發現都被帶紅帽的支持者包了場了,大家都開心地聊經曆,其中有些人是走了一個半小時。總結經驗:一是會場的出口太少,難以疏散;二是對人數估計嚴重不足。事先網站上估計是1.5萬,實際人數遠超。三是後來沒有及時調度車輛(據說很多司機沒有接到通知。)但對於支持者而言,更是long and exciting day.與會者非常多的年輕人、婦女、西裔(黑人不多,但本來南加黑人就少),顛覆了共和黨是"老白男"的印象。
smallCrab 發表評論於 2024-10-16 17:31:37
iask 發表評論於 2024-10-16 17:12:41
山海間 發表評論於 2024-10-16 14:35:14本人就在現場。這種謠言太low了。 那個場地是一個世界著名的音樂節場地。請看維基百科:科切拉穀音樂藝術節(英語:Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival),通常稱作科切拉音樂節(英語:Coachella, Coachella Festival),是每年4月在美國加利福尼亞州印第奧市舉行的音樂節,由美國安舒茨娛樂集團(AEG)旗下Goldenvoice主辦,以強大的音樂陣容、多元化的音樂類型及音樂與時尚潮流的結合作為賣點,每年賣出超過20萬張門票[1],是全球規模最大、最知名及盈利最高的音樂節,
Many on social media are trying to make sense of what happened in Coachella. According to several attendees, rally organizers had promised transportation to and from nearby parking areas, but as the event ended, it became clear that there weren't enough buses to handle the large crowds.
In a since-deleted post on X, captured via screenshot from another user, one attendee posting from the rally location said that there were "apparently 60 [buses] employed for this event." They added that "all buses have been called off," and CHP (California Highway Patrol) had informed bus drivers to stop picking up attendees.
While thousands of supporters were bussed into Calhoun Ranch, which was situated about five miles away from where they parked their vehicles, people attending claimed the event organizers had neglected transport for the return journey.
And instead of being shuttled away from the venue after Trump exited the stage at about 7pm PT following a near-90-minute address, many attendees were left stranded in 93F heat, according to video footage on social media.
“Apparently the buses are no longer coming,” said one attendee in the clip taken more than three hours after the rally had concluded.
“There used to be like 20 buses when we were being brought here, but now there’s only like three buses operating.”
He added: “It’s just chaos, absolute chaos. All of us are stranded here, everyone is stranded here.”
Another clip posted to X, which had since been deleted, saw a rally-goer reportedly claim that there was “only one bus in rotation” which took half an hour for each drop off.
In the footage, flashing lights from police cars illuminate the disgruntled faces of Trump supporters seemingly left behind, with one heard condemning the organizer’s “failures” that had led to the delay in being returned to the parking lot.
This isn’t the first time attendees at Trump rallies have faced logistical nightmares. In 2020, after a rally in Omaha, Nebraska, rally-goers were similarly stranded in freezing temperatures when transportation broke down.
本人就在現場。這種謠言太low了。 那個場地是一個世界著名的音樂節場地。請看維基百科:科切拉穀音樂藝術節(英語:Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival),通常稱作科切拉音樂節(英語:Coachella, Coachella Festival),是每年4月在美國加利福尼亞州印第奧市舉行的音樂節,由美國安舒茨娛樂集團(AEG)旗下Goldenvoice主辦,以強大的音樂陣容、多元化的音樂類型及音樂與時尚潮流的結合作為賣點,每年賣出超過20萬張門票[1],是全球規模最大、最知名及盈利最高的音樂節,
我直接就看川普的2016至2000的執政成績, 他是了不起的,無論是美國的經濟,安全,軍事, 還是國際外交上, 而且他實現了很多他競選時許下的諾言, 所以我支持川普. 川普的人性是善良的, 川普是有能力的。 我願川普能夠再入白宮, 我也相信他能。
而且他應該獲得諾貝爾和平獎, 如果沒有左派從中作梗的話。